The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Nov 8, 2021
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I have a black male molly I had bought from PetSmart about 2 months ago who has been swimming sideways and upside down and then has to lay on the ground to rest from overworking himself. He shows the signs of swim bladder disease but I'm not sure how he got it and how to help him :(( the water levels were okay and none of my other fish were affected but I did a 60% water change just in case it was from bacteria. I isolated him in a small tank with the larger tank's water and put the appropriate amount of erythromycin just in case it was caused by bacteria. I also tried to give him peas after not feeding him for a day, but he wouldn't eat them. After that when I took the top off the smaller tank to replace the peas for fresh ones he jumped right out!! Obviously something was wrong with the smaller tank but I can't imagine what that is so I put him back in the bigger one and he seems a whole lot happier and less stressed. He has a lot of energy at times but can barely move when he gets tired and struggles to swim upwards so I'm worried his condition might worsen. Because I'm not sure what caused it or if it might be due to something hereditary I don't know if I can or should put erythromycin throughout the whole large tank with all my other healthy fish. Im worried about putting salt (which I read can help) but due to also having corys and kuhli loaches I don't think I should. I also can't afford to buy another small tank to quarantine him other than the one I have.
I really don't know what to do or how to help him or if he even has SBD if not something else or what caused it please help!
pictures and video of the fish?
These are some videos and pics of him when he's tired. He can still swim up to the middle of the tank for a bit but then he kinda sinks back down and takes a rest from being tired. Please let me know if the links expire I can re-upload them but it won't let me post a regular video.


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