Need some help identifying if this Gold dust molly is pregnant? She seems a big bigger but idk hard to say but any help?
So she started getting bigger as a pregnancy would…but the strange thing with her is she fluctuates in belly size, she would seem to not be pregnant in one photo and the rest shes fully belly, in the mornings shes slim by the afternoon shes full belly again. The other pregnant mollys size doesnt change like the gold dust and this is after they poop everything out and are there size again its weirdShe does look pregnant but as already stated overhere, not quite there yet for sure....
Maybe she's just a good eater...So she started getting bigger as a pregnancy would…but the strange thing with her is she fluctuates in belly size, she would seem to not be pregnant in one photo and the rest shes fully belly, in the mornings shes slim by the afternoon shes full belly again. The other pregnant mollys size doesnt change like the gold dust and this is after they poop everything out and are there size again its weird