Gourami rocking, mollies clamped..

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Nov 29, 2021
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Long time reader, first time poster, I hope someone can help or shed any light on this problem or what I can do here?

About a month ago I suddenly lost an entire school of tetras tetra’s and a gourami that was part of a pair. Gourami was swimming on the spot rocking back and forth. Water change etc… then all seemed well…This morning I saw my last remaining Gourami rocking back-and-forth on the spot and all the mollies on the floor with their fins clamped. I’m now seriously worried..

I did an immediate 50% water change, and put two tablets of Bactopur wideband antibiotics in there as per the LFSs advice first time this happened.

Now It’s the second time And Ive take. the same precautions then as well, but now it’s happened again, I fear something is desperately wrong…

Water is testing perfectly! Everything is on 0 and the ph is 7.

Any ideas? Or am I just a rubbish fish keeper?

Here is a pic of the gourami, I’ve just noticed that red blemish at its base.


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Members will need more data.

First, what are the water parameters? These are GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness), pH and temperature. The pH is said to be 7 which is low for mollies, but the GH is crucial for them.

Water conditions all zero, I assume means ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are zero. Please confirm.

What is the tank size (dimensions and volume)?

How frequent and what volume are partial water changes done? Are you adding any additives to the water (conditioner presumably, but any others)? I doubt cycling is an issue as it seems the tank has been running for a while, and from the photo there seem to be live plants, but how long just so we know?
Thanks for the reply. Yes, “all zero” means Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite.

PH is 7.5
GH is 4
KH is 8

All tested with JBL liquid testing kit.

Tank is 200L, I’m sorry I can’t remember what the exact dimensions are.

Partial water change normally once a week, bigger change once a month (50-75%)


I m going to leave the "disease" or whatever issue for other more experienced members, as guessing is not help. But I can offer some advice from the numbers here.

Mollies must have harder water or they will not last long. This is not applicable to the gourami, so as I said, I will leave that. But the mollies will not be in good shape in water as soft as here (I am assuming the GH is in degrees German, as 4 dH). The GH must be at least 12 dH or higher, with a basic (above 7, into the 8's OK) pH. So once things are sorted out, do not acquire more mollies or other livebearers (generally speaking).

Water changes should be once a week as regular, and the more water you change at each the better, provided the parameters of tank water and tap water are relatively the same (GH, pH, temperature).
Thank you to all that replied!

I have no idea what happened, but this morning when I came down fearing the worst, it was like a brand new, completely different tank! The mollies are as active as they have ever been, the gourami is swimming around happily! It’s like a brand new tank full of vigour!
Had you made a bigger than usual water change? Whatever you do it must be consistent. If you are going to do 25% water changes always do them, if you are going to do 50% water changes always do them.
Water Changes:

Don't it make my brown water,
Don't it make my brown water,

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