Sooo… I’ve become a fry mum. 😐 what a long 3 hours that was!!😩


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2021
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So I have my male and females guppies seperated.. they weren’t even together for long and I didn’t have them for long by that time either and one of them has already had babies 😩😶 I had to catch them all from the tank and ohh my god didn’t it take long!! At first I thought there were only 3 left and I had missed it to then ending up ripping up my planted aquarium to catch as many as I could not realising she was still giving birth!! I managed to catch about 30 to then realise one was left in the tank that i missed once I had replanted it. So I’m leaving him to see if he makes it. ( I no it could be a girl but I automatically say he ) fingers crossed I spot him tomorrow I don’t really no what to do from here. I’m setting up a 20L for the fry but I think another one of my females is pregnant too. How do you no for sure? I no some tips but it’s not really that easy to tell using those tbh🤷🏽‍♀️ 🐠
So I have my male and females guppies seperated.. they weren’t even together for long and I didn’t have them for long by that time either and one of them has already had babies 😩😶 I had to catch them all from the tank and ohh my god didn’t it take long!! At first I thought there were only 3 left and I had missed it to then ending up ripping up my planted aquarium to catch as many as I could not realising she was still giving birth!! I managed to catch about 30 to then realise one was left in the tank that i missed once I had replanted it. So I’m leaving him to see if he makes it. ( I no it could be a girl but I automatically say he ) fingers crossed I spot him tomorrow he makes it. 🐠
Where do you plan on putting them? From your previous posts I know that you have many guppies and only 2 tanks. The guppy most likely won't survive if there aren't that many plants. However, if you add some floating plants like salvinia or red root floater(NO DUCKWEED PLEASE GOD NO) then it might survive.
Where do you plan on putting them? From your previous posts I know that you have many guppies and only 2 tanks. The guppy most likely won't survive if there aren't that many plants. However, if you add some floating plants like salvinia or red root floater(NO DUCKWEED PLEASE GOD NO) then it might survive.
I’ve got them in the breeding box at the moment with a moss ball and they seem to be fine for now. In the morning il be preparing my small empty tank for them. I won’t be keeping them in the long run anyway they will all have new homes
Where do you plan on putting them? From your previous posts I know that you have many guppies and only 2 tanks. The guppy most likely won't survive if there aren't that many plants. However, if you add some floating plants like salvinia or red root floater(NO DUCKWEED PLEASE GOD NO) then it might survive.
Need advice how to tell if my other female is pregnancy aswell?


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Where do you plan on putting them? From your previous posts I know that you have many guppies and only 2 tanks. The guppy most likely won't survive if there aren't that many plants. However, if you add some floating plants like salvinia or red root floater(NO DUCKWEED PLEASE GOD NO) then it might survive.
with a net duckweed is easy to remove... also duckweed does not provide as much protection than something like water lettuce
for me i would reccomend water lettuce, red root floater, frogbit and for bottom plants i would reccomend cabomba and hornwort or other bushes
She looks like she is to me and I don't think she has too long left. You can tell as the gravid spot (back of its belly) gets dark and she gets fatter. As they get close to giving birth her underside will "square off".
If you've had males and females together for any period of time chances are they're pregnant. Females can store sperms packets for months so they may give birth again further along the line. There no effort involved with these guys and you'll soon get fed up of catching fry. Unless you're breeding to sell then honestly just leave them be and let nature do its thing, you can't be destroying your whole tank and stressing everyone one to catch them!
If you've had males and females together for any period of time chances are they're pregnant. Females can store sperms packets for months so they may give birth again further along the line. There no effort involved with these guys and you'll soon get fed up of catching fry. Unless you're breeding to sell then honestly just leave them be and let nature do its thing, you can't be destroying your whole tank and stressing everyone one to catch them!
One time i got a male guppy and 1 mins after i scooped him in he was trying to mate 🤣😅

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