Slime disease on my tetras!

Try adding a bit of salt (1 heaped tablespoon per 20 litres) and see how it goes over the next few days. If it gets worse during that time, post more pictures and look for a broad spectrum medication that treats bacteria, fungus and external protozoan infections.
Try adding a bit of salt (1 heaped tablespoon per 20 litres) and see how it goes over the next few days. If it gets worse during that time, post more pictures and look for a broad spectrum medication that treats bacteria, fungus and external protozoan infections.
That will just about fix everything known to mankind.
Try adding a bit of salt (1 heaped tablespoon per 20 litres) and see how it goes over the next few days. If it gets worse during that time, post more pictures and look for a broad spectrum medication that treats bacteria, fungus and external protozoan infections.
Ok I will do this. I have just added some indian almond leaves to lower the pH. I'm sure it will make them happier anyway. It looks more natural and I like stained water.
That will just about fix everything known to mankind.
You are very experienced, so coming from you I think I will do that.
Try adding a bit of salt (1 heaped tablespoon per 20 litres) and see how it goes over the next few days. If it gets worse during that time, post more pictures and look for a broad spectrum medication that treats bacteria, fungus and external protozoan infections.
Ok I've done it. The whole tank is blue now haha( I have blue aquarium salt). I have some melafix on hand.
The expiry date is like this:
EXP: 11/2021
So I think it expires on the 30th of this month right? which should be in about 20 days. If I'm wrong, then it expired 10 days ago and the 30 means nothing.
Nope it doesn't look like it. I've seen my fish with these funny white streaks for about 2 days. I just didn't think it was that serious. I think my fish would be dead now if it was columnaris.
Nope it doesn't look like it. I've seen my fish with these funny white streaks for about 2 days. I just didn't think it was that serious. I think my fish would be dead now if it was columnaris.
It does look like it. There are different strains and there is one that causes "saddleback disease". Simply google "Saddleback Disease Rummynose" and there you go.

Melafix isn't a real med and only "treats" mild fungus which this defibtely isn't.
It does look like it. There are different strains and there is one that causes "saddleback disease". Simply google "Saddleback Disease Rummynose" and there you go.

Melafix isn't a real med and only "treats" mild fungus which this definitely isn't.
This is the fish with the worst case, and the white patch is not behind or at the fin, it is infront of the fin. also, the 'saddle' is only on one side. Another thing is that the Cardinal Tetras would have already gotten it.
The Rummynose are also having these symptoms.

The increased production of mucus in aquarium fish will be visible as cloudy patches on the skin, particularly along the flanks. Because of increased mucus production around the gills, affected aquarium fish often show signs of respiratory distress such as heavy or labored breathing. Irritation of the skin causes aquarium fish to scratch themselves against solid objects. Lethargy and loss of appetite are also common as the aquarium fish becomes increasingly stressed. In extreme cases obvious physical damage to the skin occurs, and secondary infections such as fungus and finrot can develop.

They have loss of appetite, mucus(on the flanks specifically), however the mucus has not even got close to their gills, they are breathing normally. Phew! Their best source of comfort is the HOB filter, which they stay most of the time to play in it's current.

I just checked them and they have less white streaks and the one with the worst case has less mucus!! Thank you for your help guys!
Ok so...
Before salt treatment..
fish with worst case of slime disease.jpeg

1 day after salt treatment
tetra 1 day after treatment.jpeg

3 days after salt treatment
tetra 3 days after treatment.JPEG

So as you can see they are much better... Anyway the pH is still at 7.2, I'm not sure why, I have no carbon in my filter, also the water in my tank is very yellow so I don't understand why it's not lowering?
This is my yellow(and very natural looking) tank...
yellow aquarium.JPEG
Yellow is the tannins from the leaves. Tannins don't normally change the pH unless you have lots of them in really soft water. But a few leaves won't change the pH.

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