No privacy

Haha, she says “hellooo human”. That is adorable. We used to have this massive buck who lived in our woods, he would stand in the shadows of the trees and watch us sometimes. He was so regal and beautiful, but one day someone trespassed on our private property and shot him. They took his head and left the rest for us to find:sad:
Yuk! Too bad the Hunter wasn’t Datelined. Or chased down by Chucky.
Haha, she says “hellooo human”. That is adorable. We used to have this massive buck who lived in our woods, he would stand in the shadows of the trees and watch us sometimes. He was so regal and beautiful, but one day someone trespassed on our private property and shot him. They took his head and left the rest for us to find:sad:
Hopefully the venison pie choked the hunter when he ate it

Can't be doing with those who hunt such majestic animals.

Having seem many stags with their full rack of antlers, magnificient creatures (even if they do get a wee bit bad tempered when rutting), they are magical animals to watch
Talking about owls here is one that said hello earlier this year (taken through a screen door):

This is a small one; there are some really large owls around here.... not as large as the bald eagles around here but still plenty large.
There are a few urban foxes where I live....very noisy in the "season"....used to have a badger set under the wall tween the flat and the pub but the pub owners dug it up when repairing the wall. Completely illegal to tamper with badgers and their sets and the pub owner was heavily fined. It was nice when they were there cos the babies would play rolly-poly on the communal grass area, closely watched by mum & dad.
And we just have squirrels :(

And a lot of birds from wrens to wood pigeons and crows in the front garden (they don't like enclosed spaces). There's even a sparrowhawk somewhere locally, it sits on the fence at the bottom of the garden from time to time and sometimes plucks its prey on our lawn.
Hopefully the venison pie choked the hunter when he ate it

Can't be doing with those who hunt such majestic animals.

Having seem many stags with their full rack of antlers, magnificient creatures (even if they do get a wee bit bad tempered when rutting), they are magical animals to watch
I got into a big dispute with a neighbor who’s handyman knocked on my door and asked “for permission to finish off bucks I’m after on your property.” Gave him hell & called her. She’s a high ranking GOP elected county official. My biggest thrill was when she lost re-election by 32 votes. Haha!
Certain her cretin trespassed onto my land from hers anyway. Not much to be done.
And we just have squirrels :(

And a lot of birds from wrens to wood pigeons and crows in the front garden (they don't like enclosed spaces). There's even a sparrowhawk somewhere locally, it sits on the fence at the bottom of the garden from time to time and sometimes plucks its prey on our lawn.
Love crows! Much wildlife here in NWPA.
Hopefully the venison pie choked the hunter when he ate it

Can't be doing with those who hunt such majestic animals.

Having seem many stags with their full rack of antlers, magnificient creatures (even if they do get a wee bit bad tempered when rutting), they are magical animals to watch
Hunting is one thing. Poaching illegally then letting it go to waste, just to get a head on the wall? That's something else. What a disrespect to the animal and the landowner.

I saw a few red stags when I was in Scotland years ago. They are wonderful animals. But for magnificence, there's not much that beats a Rocky Mountain elk.
Hopefully the venison pie choked the hunter when he ate it

Can't be doing with those who hunt such majestic animals.

Having seem many stags with their full rack of antlers, magnificient creatures (even if they do get a wee bit bad tempered when rutting), they are magical animals to watch
I'm ok with people hunting an animal as long as they actually eat it or sell it to a meat seller and it was legal... Unlike fishing it isnt catch and release. If someone kills an animal just to say: "I killed this thing and it was this big or it was a 15 pointer" Thats when I get mad...
How lovely that you just have deer casually grazing around in your gardens...we have the occasional hedgehog but they're few and far between these days...and of course those pesky pigeons.

Saying that, we had a couple of foxes that used to terrorise us when we first moved in here. There was an empty plot next door at the time waiting to be built on where they'd made their home, we had no idea they were there until we heard them screaming in the dead of night...
It’s totally not lovely when they get in our garden or try to reach the bird feeders or trample my flowers while nibbling on my plum trees. Then, then where there are deer, there are the coyotes and they are just mean. Also, they occasionally walk across the highway in front of cars and most often they don’t die and people stop and someone calls the police who has to call an animal control person who then dispatches the poor suffering deer.

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