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Fish Gatherer
Aug 15, 2021
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Bad enough riding my bike with these goldfish looking at me like they haven’t eaten in months & now this.
We have foxes and bobcats in our neck of the wood; and that is ignoring the eagles and owls. Good thing I'm not a gerbil.
There’s a few foxes in the woods behind the house. Never see any bobcats here, but I did in California.
Some owls around here. Only a few sightings of the American Bald Eagle. I have quite the nice collection of eagle feathers. They came from the National Eagle Repository in Colorado. I can get all I want, even the entire dead bird, as a member of a federally recognized NatIve American Tribe. My guess is my feathers are from Alaskan birds, much larger than those in other regions.
More seriously you really shouldn't feed deers for various reasons; if no other reason quite a few people in my neck of the wood have suffered nasty kicks when the deer is startled but they are already too domesticated and love to nibble on the trees in the neighbor yard. They do love begging for food with those sad puppy eyes but alas....
More seriously you really shouldn't feed deers for various reasons; if no other reason quite a few people in my neck of the wood have suffered nasty kicks when the deer is startled but they are already too domesticated and love to nibble on the trees in the neighbor yard. They do love begging for food with those sad puppy eyes but alas....
Now that’s surprising, a startled deer kicking. Around here they run swiftly at the slightest provocation. They do nibble on certain plants. People use deer resistant trees, shrubs etc. My house is on 7 acres, a few magnificently landscaped by the previous owner of 30 years, an attorney who did much work from the home office. He said if one doesn’t use the right plants they become deer salad. The locals seem to have figured that out.
How lovely that you just have deer casually grazing around in your gardens...we have the occasional hedgehog but they're few and far between these days...and of course those pesky pigeons.

Saying that, we had a couple of foxes that used to terrorise us when we first moved in here. There was an empty plot next door at the time waiting to be built on where they'd made their home, we had no idea they were there until we heard them screaming in the dead of night...
How lovely that you just have deer casually grazing around in your gardens...we have the occasional hedgehog but they're few and far between these days...and of course those pesky pigeons.

Saying that, we had a couple of foxes that used to terrorise us when we first moved in here. There was an empty plot next door at the time waiting to be built on where they'd made their home, we had no idea they were there until we heard them screaming in the dead of night...
Wow! My Twitter buddy in Dublin, Ireland has a few that hang around his place & he loves them. Posts some terrific pics & feeds them.
Haha, she says “hellooo human”. That is adorable. We used to have this massive buck who lived in our woods, he would stand in the shadows of the trees and watch us sometimes. He was so regal and beautiful, but one day someone trespassed on our private property and shot him. They took his head and left the rest for us to find:sad:
The only wildlife I have outside are a pair of owls...I call them Screetch & Twooooooo (cos one makes ear splitting screetches and the other replies with "twoooooooooooooo" - great pair of lungs that one has, whereas the other seems to have a bad case of laryngitis)

Occasionally I get to hear humanus drunkenscreamers, normally at chucking out time from the pub behind the flat

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