Angel fish

I thought I should show him I’m curious to know if it actually is. I was kind of ignorant saying It’s unique as I have no experience with angels other then these three
Also yes that’s a betta in the bottom left he’s in my fry tank with the moma guppies, my friend couldn’t keep him and figured he could live in there. I know it’s an odd setup but they all get along and the betta seems happy, not sure how to tell but he eats all the time, occasionally chases the fish but never like attacking. Then angel is a bit mean to the betta on occasion though so he will be moved tomorrow after I bring back the angels once again no biting more of just pecks like to make an order i guess
I agree with you it is very special I have never seen one quite like it myself, just make sure you keep only him and no other fish that will grow into a big fish because your tank is not big enough and your water conditions will deteriorate and as you know when that happens… not fun at all Because fish start dying.
Have fun and take good care of that gorgeous Angel!
I agree with you it is very special I have never seen one quite like it myself, just make sure you keep only him and no other fish that will grow into a big fish because your tank is not big enough and your water conditions will deteriorate and as you know when that happens… not fun at all Because fish start dying.
Have fun and take good care of that gorgeous Angel!
Oh snap that’s awesome to hear, And thank you for the advice and the response, and yeah sadly this is all the Gallons I can muster right now but I agree no more tank mates. And I’m glad to hear he’s as unique as I thought, it’s name is scar by the way cause he has a stripe through his eye( my gf names him)
Oh snap that’s awesome to hear, And thank you for the advice and the response, and yeah sadly this is all the Gallons I can muster right now but I agree no more tank mates. And I’m glad to hear he’s as unique as I thought, it’s name is scar by the way cause he has a stripe through his eye( my gf names him)
Well I think he’s gorgeous and really unique, and Scar is a terrific name for him. Love him and he will love you back. Angels are very intelligent fish and he will bond with you. Don’t forget, no more tank mates and keep an eye on that Betta. You might want to start thinking about a new home for him, a 5 gallon tank minimum with some shrimps, maybe? The day will probably come when Scar decides to pick on him regularly because Scar is a cichlid and it’s in his genes, that’s what cichlid do.
Well I think he’s gorgeous and really unique, and Scar is a terrific name for him. Love him and he will love you back. Angels are very intelligent fish and he will bond with you. Don’t forget, no more tank mates and keep an eye on that Betta. You might want to start thinking about a new home for him, a 5 gallon tank minimum with some shrimps, maybe? The day will probably come when Scar decides to pick on him regularly because Scar is a cichlid and it’s in his genes, that’s what cichlid do.
I agree and I appreciate and appreciate the response that and I’m sure she will too, also I didn’t know they where like that but that’s awesome can’t wait to see his personality form, also for sure the angel is being moved tomorrow when I get rid of my big mean angels also if I can convince my parental to let me he will be in his own tank with some ghost or amonos. It would be better cause my homemade fry food is fine so it clouds the water when I feed, I definitely will be replacing the small sponge filter with a small hang on back, and giving the sponge to the betta, cause I also happen to really like him, for some reason he loves my frogs, he watches them eat and seems to guard them from guppies so maybe they will live with him until they outgrow the 10 gallon
Witch would probably be soon but they will be in a 20 gallon then a 38 gallon
I also have a betta, his name is Milo and I love him dearly.


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And here is a picture of the angelfish I rehomed.


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I also have a betta, his name is Milo and I love him dearly.
I love the way milo looks also I like his name, I’ve never seen one like that. Bettas are awesome, so much personality in such a small but beautiful fish!
They went to a friend that has a very large tank. It was planned, I wanted to experience having angels and watching them grow which I enjoyed very much. I was very sad to rehome them but now they are happy in a large angelfish only tank.
They went to a friend that has a very large tank. It was planned, I wanted to experience having angels and watching them grow which I enjoyed very much. I was very sad to rehome them but now they are happy in a large angelfish only tank.
Oh that’s smart and yeah they are beautiful fish, majestic if you ask me. But yeah it sounds like they are in a great environment. Nice of you to do that for them, you know make sure they get a good home
Also online it says that four can go in 29?

oh okay my tank is same hight and my two angels are not mean to each other but when I added the smaller one they where both picking at him, other than that they all seem happy, just grazing and such
online is not really accurate there is no way 4 big angelfish can go into a 29 gallon maybe dwarf
the smaller one is probably getting bullied by big ones, the big ones might have a balance

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