Well, I've 6 Blue-eyes and ...?... at least 30 Peacocks in a 7g grow out tank.breed them. breed them. breed them. breed them. breed them.
go on, breed them.
breed lots and lots of them. I don't care if you don't have space, breed as many of them as possible
The gudgeons are TINY and groooww sooos slooow I can't wait till they hit puberty.
I really need to discern what is going on in the tank as I find quite a few fungused Blue-eye eggs...I could probably move the Blues a few at a time to a breeder but I am overwhelmed.
I think my P. coryadora are flinging eggs around...I think it's their first spawn 'cuz they're flinging and shimmying and eating at the same time.
Setting up a tank for fry at the moment.