Is my fish pregnant or is something else happening


New Member
Sep 18, 2021
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New Jersey
So today my boyfriend made me aware that one of our fish has started Hidding a lot
Today after work I noticed a huge change
Not sure what to think
This is one of my platys .


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Looks like a young male and could be getting bullied by a bigger male. It also has a really fat abdomen, which could be worms, a growth of some sort, or it just eats a lot.

Make sure the water quality is good (no ammonia, no nitrite and less than 20ppm nitrate, pH around 7.0 or slightly above).

Make sure the fish is eating well.

Monitor the fish's poop. If it does stringy white poop it has an internal problem.

Make sure you have some floating plants to offer shelter and hiding places.
Water levels are ideal, it has been eat and pooping normal. It is an active fish but likes to hid in the hut or barrel to sleep ,also we have hornwort ordered and waiting for it to arrive
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