What are these ""eggs""?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2021
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Hey there everyone!

I just found this two little "balls" kind look like cory eggs but very yellow and i dont know what they are. They were sitting in that little space between the filter and the suckers. They were just floating in that little space.

Does anyone know what these are?
I have corycatfish, swordtails, mollies and guppies. Could this be unfertilized eggs? or some kind of miscariage?
I don't think they're cory eggs, because the corys wouldn't be able to lay them there.
Here's a picture

It's really hard to tell from the photo I'm afraid! The one at the top looks as though it could be a cory egg, the one at the bottom looks jelly like... perhaps an egg that has gone bad, perhaps not an egg at all.

What species of cory are they? A lot of cories lay their eggs on the glass, decor, plants, attaching them with a slightly sticky substance. Mine have laid eggs directly on the filter itself :lol: So it's possible they did lay eggs near them, but some didn't stick well and detached, ending up floating there because of the flow of the filter intake. Other fish like the mollies and cories would also happily eat the eggs, so those could be ones they missed.
Cory eggs do turn yellowish as they develop. Can't tell whether that top one is fertilised or not.. doesn't appear to be, but also can't even be sure it IS a cory egg, but it does look a bit like it.

Have you noticed any spawning behaviour? The cories chasing each other around or in a T position?
How have you stored these potential eggs now?
It's really hard to tell from the photo I'm afraid! The one at the top looks as though it could be a cory egg, the one at the bottom looks jelly like... perhaps an egg that has gone bad, perhaps not an egg at all.

What species of cory are they? A lot of cories lay their eggs on the glass, decor, plants, attaching them with a slightly sticky substance. Mine have laid eggs directly on the filter itself :lol: So it's possible they did lay eggs near them, but some didn't stick well and detached, ending up floating there because of the flow of the filter intake. Other fish like the mollies and cories would also happily eat the eggs, so those could be ones they missed.
Cory eggs do turn yellowish as they develop. Can't tell whether that top one is fertilised or not.. doesn't appear to be, but also can't even be sure it IS a cory egg, but it does look a bit like it.

Have you noticed any spawning behaviour? The cories chasing each other around or in a T position?
How have you stored these potential eggs now?
I know the photo isn't the best, but I couldn't get a better one because they're so tiny 😅

In this tank I have C. aeneus. I've had cory eggs before and actually I'm suspecting that 3 of my females are about to lay again. I've been seeing them chasing each other around and they've been building their "nest" in one corner of the tank.
I first thought they were cory eggs, but then I didn't came up with a reason for the eggs to "climb" to where they were. It's a very tiny space and it seams kind of impossible to me that they ended up there by accident.

On the other hand, one of my guppies had been sitting in that place a lot and it came up to me that maybe it was something that came out of her. Truth be told, I was afraid it was some kind of parasite, since I'm not very familiar with fish parasites.

I took the "eggs" of the tank and they're currentely in a little cup with a little bit of water from the tank. Do you think letting them there for a couple days to see if something hatches a bad idea? Do you have a better suggestion?
In this tank I have C. aeneus. I've had cory eggs before and actually I'm suspecting that 3 of my females are about to lay again. I've been seeing them chasing each other around and they've been building their "nest" in one corner of the tank.
I first thought they were cory eggs, but then I didn't came up with a reason for the eggs to "climb" to where they were. It's a very tiny space and it seams kind of impossible to me that they ended up there by accident.

They could have been detached from the glass by fish eating the other eggs around them, then ended up there because the filter intake sucked them that way. You said they were floating, right? Not sure what you mean by "climb", but I don't know your tank or set up, so you'd know better than I! :D
On the other hand, one of my guppies had been sitting in that place a lot and it came up to me that maybe it was something that came out of her. Truth be told, I was afraid it was some kind of parasite, since I'm not very familiar with fish parasites.

I don't know of any parasites that look like that at least.

Is the guppy hiding away behind the filter and staying there a lot? Done a water test recently? That's not normally a good sign I'm afraid...
I took the "eggs" of the tank and they're currentely in a little cup with a little bit of water from the tank. Do you think letting them there for a couple days to see if something hatches a bad idea? Do you have a better suggestion?

They'd need some aeration, and to remain in the same water as the parent tank. I'd personally pierce some tiny holes in the container with a needle, sand them smooth, clip it to the parent tank so the water can exchange, and add an airstone.
They could have been detached from the glass by fish eating the other eggs around them, then ended up there because the filter intake sucked them that way. You said they were floating, right? Not sure what you mean by "climb", but I don't know your tank or set up, so you'd know better than I! :D
Hmm I see where you're getting at! If it was indeed that what happened, it's kind of unfortunate that I only managed to save these 2 😅

Is the guppy hiding away behind the filter and staying there a lot? Done a water test recently? That's not normally a good sign I'm afraid...
Not a lot. It's only been for a couple days. I suspect she's about to give birth (thus the hipothesis of miscariage inicially) and she's looking for a safe spot, just that.

They'd need some aeration, and to remain in the same water as the parent tank. I'd personally pierce some tiny holes in the container with a needle, sand them smooth, clip it to the parent tank so the water can exchange, and add an airstone.
Ok, thanks for the tips. I'm going to do that! :D
Just leave them alone. Set up a cave at the base of the tank about 5mm off the substrate if the eggs hatch the fry will go to that cave. You can lift the top stone to check for fry from time to time.
Hmm I see where you're getting at! If it was indeed that what happened, it's kind of unfortunate that I only managed to save these 2 😅

Not a lot. It's only been for a couple days. I suspect she's about to give birth (thus the hipothesis of miscariage inicially) and she's looking for a safe spot, just that.

Ok, thanks for the tips. I'm going to do that! :D
Well, quick update.

I don't know what they were, but they definitely weren't cory eggs. They just ended up kind of dissolving in the water.

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