Ceramic media - beneficial bacteria?


Aug 9, 2021
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Hi guys,

I have some Biorb ceramic media in my 60l Fluval tank on top of my gravel and am looking to change it all to sand or possibly a different substrate.

As it is supposed to be part of Biorbs filtration system I assume it harbours lots of beneficial bacteria. Would it be worth putting some of this media in a mesh filter bag and shoving it in my filter as opposed to simply throwing it away?



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Yes, definitely!
I'm not a fan of commercial bio-medias that are merely a cash cow for manufacturers that claim that their media is the best. And sadly many hobbyist have come to believe the marketing hype that beneficial biology only lives in bio-media in the filter.
The real truth is that beneficial biology lives on any 'hard' surface in the tank and frankly there's more BB in and on the substrate of an established tank than in any filter box! (see The Very Best Aquarium Filter and for a deep dive, check out Filtration and Water Quality).
Oh I once bought into the notion that commercial bio-media was superior, but in time I came to realize that sponge material was not only great for mechanical filtration, but also for biological filtration. (as confirmed by so many large fishrooms that rely solely on air driven sponge filters). These days ALL of my filters are completely filled with sponge material that cleans easily and lasts forever and a day.
Btw, 3"+ of sand (play or pool filter, but not a fine sand) is a great substrate as it puts an end to gravel vacuuming. I never touch the sand substrate in my tanks. The substrate is 'managed' by Cory catfish and an endless amount of Malaysian Trumpet snails.
Just my $,02, but I would put your bio-media in a mesh bag and temporarily lay it on your new sand substrate, then remove it altogether after a few weeks.
Hi guys,

I have some Biorb ceramic media in my 60l Fluval tank on top of my gravel and am looking to change it all to sand or possibly a different substrate.

As it is supposed to be part of Biorbs filtration system I assume it harbours lots of beneficial bacteria. Would it be worth putting some of this media in a mesh filter bag and shoving it in my filter as opposed to simply throwing it away?

Yes....it certainly can't hurt, and more than likely will be beneficial

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