We have a winner in Fishforums.net
September 2021 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 8 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized 16 gallons and smaller, but only one could win...September 2021 Tank of the Month Contest
And the winner is.......
Flushable Pets
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning tank and its description
6.8 gallon ImagitariumFlushable Pets
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning tank and its description
Sashimi, a koi plakat betta
A gazillion MTS and bladder snails
Nicrew Gen 2 Classic
Stock filter
Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens and DHG
DIY Osmocote root tabs
Seachem Flourish
Weekly 25%-ish water change
Daily Tetra-Min pellets or blood worms
Tetra AquaSafe
Going roughly 5 months
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