Enjoying the hobby. Tank photos


Fish Crazy
Mar 8, 2021
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Just a post to share and see tank set ups.
Enjoying mine right now, no issues.
Like to help where I can, it's just nice to see healthy tanks once in a while.
Share your photos, we all love to see tanks.


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This is my first tank, not ventured into live plants yet. Focused on keeping fish alive first.
All good so far..
Cycled since Feb 21
what size is your tank...nice start
This is my first tank, not ventured into live plants yet. Focused on keeping fish alive first.
All good so far..
Cycled since Feb 21
I also lovs
Wow! Your tank is so pretty and algae less:..
the first thing I reccomend to start off in plants is floaters. Red root floater and duckweed. Fast growers and pretty too! Provides so much habitat for baby guppies!
here is my tank
I would avoid duckweed though. It may be very good at removing ammonia etc but once you have it, you can't change your mind. Even 1 leaf hiding in a corner will quickly turn into a lot of duckweed.

I have red root floater in my 23 litre tank and amazon frogbit in my main tank. And duckweed which just appeared from somewhere..... There must have been a leaf stuck to a plant when I last bought plants
I guess this isn't technically a tropical tank as it contains a lone GOLDFISH but the tank is currently nearly always 79-80° just because the room is hot. I also have a 55 gallon with a Blood Parrot but it is a pretty bare and algae covered tank as he is bad.
Hey guys! Love it! I have a 10 gal bowfront. With 3 plants so far, im waiting on my red root and another to come this week. Im not so keen on the big plant in front but oh well (debating on cutting into smaller sections at the roots ams then planting those)
I have 3 endlers, a bristle nose pleco, and 2 snails.


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My 10 gallon. It's home to a Betta, 6 neons and a mystery snail. The Betta and neons ignore each other. I just got a 20L tank I'm looking forward to setting up, I'm planning on tetras and shrimp. Not sure what the best ratio is yet, I'm still collecting parts.
My 10 gallon. It's home to a Betta, 6 neons and a mystery snail. The Betta and neons ignore each other. I just got a 20L tank I'm looking forward to setting up, I'm planning on tetras and shrimp. Not sure what the best ratio is yet, I'm still collecting parts.
View attachment 146804
aww pretty tank
what is his name?
make sure a LOT of bushy plants for that next tank, tetras are really aggressive and will enjoy some extra snacks... (expensive shrimps)
id go for more shrimp and less tetras so the shrimps have a chance
or maybe just get amano shrimp cos they are bigger but they wont breed
I love all the tanks here! Hopefully I'll be able to post a pic in here sometime soon 😉
aww pretty tank
what is his name?
make sure a LOT of bushy plants for that next tank, tetras are really aggressive and will enjoy some extra snacks... (expensive shrimps)
id go for more shrimp and less tetras so the shrimps have a chance
or maybe just get amano shrimp cos they are bigger but they wont breed
The Bettas name is Casper. He was colorless when I got him but now he's getting black streaks in in fins.

It's neon tetras I'm leaning towards, that's what's in with Casper. They chase each other but pretty much ignore Casper.

I feed live food, like mosquito larvae and bloodworms. I have some brine shrimp going now too. Tiny shrimp would be interpreted as a treat. 😆

I have also considered rasboras, I would like a specie that's small, looks nice while shoaling, and docile. I've also briefly considered a shimp tank but I think I like the idea of large amano shrimp and a fish school.

Of course they have to be compatible with my water. Not soft, 7.2 pH. Still plenty to choose from.

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