Water sprite turning into water wisteria?


Jun 30, 2021
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Selangor, Malaysia
IDK what is going on here, but this is what this water sprite originally was looking like...
water sprite.JPEG

Then I pinned one down on a rock on the driftwood, it appeared to die
but didn't, I didn't remove it because there were fish eggs and I wanted to
let them hatch. But now this is happening! Anyone know what's going on?
It looks strangely like my water wisteria.
water sprite turning into water wisteria.JPEG

water wisteria top view.JPEG
I will explain the leaf changes momentarily, but first, don't "pin" this plant down, it is a true fern and the fronds (= leaves) arise from the crown of the plant. It can be grown rooted in the substrate, or left to float on the surface. Ceratopteris cornuta is the best for floating. The following is from my profile of this species.

Lighting requirements: When left floating will grow well under any light that is not too bright; submersed plants grown in the substrate require moderate to high light. Because of its rapid growth it quickly assimilates nutrients including ammonia/ammonium and is therefore quite useful in new tanks. It assimilates nutrients primarily through the leaves rather than the roots.

The leaves, or more correctly fronds, since this is a true fern, can be somewhat variable in shape due to light, nutrients and water parameters. This makes identification of this species difficult, and it is often encountered in the literature under the names Ceratopteris pteridioides and C. thalictroides, although both these are now accepted distinct species. C. pteridioides has blunt-lobed fronds (leaves), while C. thalictroides has fronds that are deeply pinate with tips more slender than the subject species. There is some uncertainty over the taxonomy and distribution of Ceratopteris thalictroides and C. cornuta with some botanists considering these as one single species. There are currently (2018) five recognized distinct species in the genus Ceratopteris.
IDK what is going on here, but this is what this water sprite originally was looking like...
View attachment 143033
Then I pinned one down on a rock on the driftwood, it appeared to die
but didn't, I didn't remove it because there were fish eggs and I wanted to
let them hatch. But now this is happening! Anyone know what's going on?
It looks strangely like my water wisteria.
View attachment 143034
View attachment 143035
Don’t know much about aquarium plants but these resemble terrestrial asparagus ferns & dandelions! I like it! 👍👍

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