Convict Cichlid Sex & Growth Rate


New Member
Sep 4, 2021
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Hi all, I have what I believe to be a male
Convict (see attached photos). He’s only 5cm. Is this too small to tell the sex?

Also curious about Convict growth rates. At 5cm how old would mine be and how quickly will he grow to full size?

He’s sooo cute and so full of personality. 🥰


Hi yes definitely a male you can tell from the shape of his body and find. Females also get some red and gold colouring on the belly. In terms of growth they are a fast grower and some will do had an inch to an inch a month especially if they are not breeding.

What size tank to you have him in?
Hi yes definitely a male you can tell from the shape of his body and find. Females also get some red and gold colouring on the belly. In terms of growth they are a fast grower and some will do had an inch to an inch a month especially if they are not breeding.

What size tank to you have him in?
Yeah I was pretty sure he was a male. 👍
He’s in a 65L long tank. He has a Bristlenose catfish as a tank mate and that’s it. The plan was always for him to be a solo fish as I don’t want babies!
your anubias on the far right is planted too deeply in the substrate - the rhizome (part the roots come from) needs to be above the substrate
make sure the roots still have a grip though

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