Vote Now! - September 2021 Tank of the Month (16 Gal and Smaller)

Cast your vote for Sept 2021 Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA

Poll is now CLOSED
Tank of the Month
We have 8 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' September 2021 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 16 gallons and smaller. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of this thread and click on your choice for TOTM and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

This poll will end on Septemeber 14th at 5:12 PM ET (US)

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.
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No one else wants to enter so here is my 5 gallon. A nicer picture would actually make it look more impressive but whatever... I wish i could post what it used to look like but i think that break the rules. It currently has 4 ember tetra; 1 neon tetra and 12 cherry shrimp. Middle of next week I'll add 6 oto and 8 tiny kubotai to 'qt' them for a 4 to 8 week depending on size before moving them into the 40B where they can join their friends and throw a grand party. The shrimps were really small when i purchased them but now they are nearly as large as the ember and occasionally when the ember get too near they punch them in the nose. I kid you not. Vicious little critters they seem to be.
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6.8 gallon Imagitarium
Sashimi, a koi plakat betta
A gazillion MTS and bladder snails
Nicrew Gen 2 Classic
Stock filter
Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens and DHG
DIY Osmocote root tabs
Seachem Flourish
Weekly 25%-ish water change
Daily Tetra-Min pellets or blood worms
Tetra AquaSafe
Going roughly 5 months

verification photo was posted
54 litres so just about small enough, and a little overstocked
7 cories
14 cardinals
2 marbled hatchets
2 otocinclus
3 honey gourami
1 female apistogramma
several yellow shrimp including 2 berried (hopefully enough babies survive the fish to replace the elderly)
1 or 2 random hitchiker snail, there were 5 or 6 various ages - but only count two for a while.... maybe i need to overfeed more :p
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This is my 10 gallon betta tank. The only fish is a betta, Zym. The plants are fake, but eventually I’ll get real ones. This is probably the prettiest tank I’ve had. Someday I’ll move Zym to a 37 gallon, and I’ll probably keep the design of this one. Thanks for reading. Good luck everyone!
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Not scape- size: 10 gallon tank rectangle low tech

age of setup: ~2years tank running
fish stocking: 1 male betta -name Goldie, yellow hell boy HMPK, with big black eyeballs and scales partially up his body and not on face, he tends to look at me demanding his food with a jaw drop look ‘where is it food lady’…with his back turn to his food. He blows his bubble nest to the left and even though his leaf sunk he doesn’t mind visiting his water lettuce and using the leaf as a bed & cave below. Scape wise no scape yet don’t know what I want so I’m just keeping the plants healthy to proprogate and scape later. He does swim around down there weaving through the forest. It’s soft plants so I don’t mind.
water parameters: Ph 8, kh 3, gh 4, 80 degrees, Nitrate 0
Water source: filtered tap water, aquarium salt, 1 xl catappa leaf in tank, occasionally I get paranoid when I get his water so I put a lil prime in case somehow chloramine gets in, with a range of 8-10 ph tap water drawn depending on day or time of the day and then it settles down.
ferts used: none

lighting, none bc I stole it for another tank..haven’t gotten another..also he has an AeroGarden he freeloads light off of next to him…plus the room is very bright big windows.
filtration type: aqua clear 50 + a planter with suction cups under flow to slow down the flow, I mostly squish his sinking catappa leaves in the glass planter but I’m out and vendor can’t ship with covid so I stuffed it with filter media. I use to have a miramo ball in there..nice to watch it tumble and judge the water flow but I got rid of it when the pest thingy surfaced about miramo balls.
tank maintenance procedures, water I feel like goes something like this :15’s, and 25% ..maybe even 35%…daily vacuum and a 50% somewhere during that week, I do this anywhere from 4-6 days per week, but mostly 5 or 6 days a week, if I get ill or busy I’m not worried on my day off.
Filters I rinse with tank water about once a week, scrub glass once a month or 2.

feeding schedules: random, ~2-4 times a day small bites throughout the week with a varied diet of:

Dry food: new life spectrum, omega, bug bites flakes & pellets, bettagran, northfin
frozen: bloodworms, krill, mysis, beef heart, daphnia, baby brine

brine shrimp frozen omega, spurilina,regular, baby brine

Live: black worms, daphnia, micro worms, vinegar eel, bbs

Gel food Rapashy

I haven’t finish making a hood project yet so I use clear wrap for temporary. I tried it again after following the betta judge, inglorious bettas..she uses it on her tanks. I don’t know if it’s just so no escapee or is it also bc how the condensation forms a drip and that drip can help with breaking up the water surface for water agitation if needed.
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View attachment 142599

Ok, here it is. At least it will give people a chance to marvel at the improvement should I ever enter it again 😆

5g Aqueon Mini Bowfront
Retrofitted 7" Plant Light (Amazon something or another)
1x Amano
1x Blue Velvet
2x Sunburst
2x Red Cherry
2x Blue Mystery Snails
Water Sprite
Anubias Coffeefolia
Java Moss
Java Fern (it's on the back half of the wood, only about 3cm tall right now)
Mopani Wood
River Stones
Fine Gravel
Prime & Flourish

50% WC on Tues & Fri. Been running for just a month now. Tried to keep it simple since it's in my office at work and obviously I'm not there all the time.
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One of my 60 litre hexagonals

Black sand substrate with mopani wood and pottery. Surrounded by a mixture of actual spiderwood twigs with artificial plants. Lighting is Nicrew MCR, filtration is Aquael Turbo 1000 and heat is JBL S Pro 100w

Water change is 50% weekly, filter media every week for floss, monthly or as required for the rest (according to water chemistry etc)

The aquarium has been running the longest of the 4 hexagonals at 3 years. Fish are an unorthodox mixed bunch, mainly waifs and strays from other aquariums as numbers decreased due to old age (aquarium originally set up as quarantine & treatment but soon became "home" to a few) Danio's, Cories, a pair of Rams live in there. Not the "normal" selection for a hexagonal but happy, healthy hooligans and have had no issues with illness or aggression whatsoever from anyone. When this one gets a little overstocked due to continued Cory & Danio shenanigans, the offspring are shifted over to one of the other aquariums.

My 60 litre/15.5g Pygmy Corydora colony tank :)

Tank was set up two years ago, stocking and scape has changed several times, but most recently it was my soft water tank for otocinclus and pygmy cories. I had seven pygmies with plans to get more (stores having supplier issues due to covid/Brexit); but they took matters into their own hands and started producing more themselves... Many more! They must have started spawning in April, since I saw the first 4-5 week old babies in early May, and they haven't stopped spawning since :)

Tank used to be a mix of my tapwater (253ppm GH) and rainwater I collect and store. 1/4 tap, 3/4 rain. When I needed to add male guppies, I gradually adjusted it to a 50/50 mix, so the GH and KH are now at the upper end of the range for otos and pygmies, the lower end for guppies; but still within the ranges for both.

Current stock;
Eight male guppies - the last ones from when I was breeding them. The retired older males and two that were born with swim bladder problems, but they manage okay so I've kept them. Plus a couple of pretty young males that I couldn't resist keeping!

Three otocinclus - Used to have more but lost the odd one here and there, I think because I got them before I knew how important GH is, so they lived in hard water for too long. Tempted to get more because they do well in here otherwise; always active and have nice round tummies, often hang out and sit with the cories etc, but wary of getting more right now and overstocking.

Unknown number of pygmy cories! I did have seven adults, I can now count at least 23 good sized ones, but there are always fry and small babies hiding under leaves and in plants! Impossible to get a head count when there are so many hiding places and a lot of thick planting.

Some Malaysian Trumpet Snails and a lot of tiny pest ramshorns.

Unipac Silver Sand at the front and to the right, smooth gravel at the back with the main plants in. Hardscape/decor - Some small river stones, bogwood, a slate cave, Indian Almond leaves, alder cones, other botanicals when I can.

Vallis, siamensis 53B, l.sessiliflora, frogbit, crypts, java moss and moss balls, a few more I can't remember the names of, lol. Always want to add more, and pick up new plants occasionally.
Ferts: Rarely... when I remember to add them! Root tabs under the heavy root feeders, using TNC root plugs now, but I also like the Tetra Crypt tablets, broken up and dotted around. Have used Tetramin liquid ferts before, currently using TNC liquid when I remember. Not often enough, but plants seem to be doing well enough without much dosing.

Tank has both a marina brand HOB filter on one side and a double sponge filter on the other side, which has compartments for ceramic rings.

Usually twice daily, a lighter feed in the am of Bug Bites Microgranules, or live microworms/banana worms, then in the evening one of a variety of small sized frozen foods. Usually cyclops, daphnia, moina, krill, mosquito larvae etc. Things that are enjoyed by guppies but also small enough for pygmy cories tiny mouths.
I often find seed shrimp and other small micro-organisms in the water/detritus I remove during water changes. I think the leaf litter and mulm encourages these, and they are probably what the tiny, insect-sized newly hatched pygmy fry have been mainly living on, so I add fresh botanicals often and encourage this. Hey, free fish food!

50% water change at least once per week, usually twice, depending. Plants usually need maintenance and trimming back every fortnight, so I'll do a substrate clean and W/C any time I'm mucking around with plants. I usually only clean half of the substrate per water change, the left side of the tank one time, including rinsing the filter media in the HOB. Then the next W/C day I'll gravel vac the right hand side and rinse the sponge filter out.

Remain very stable, with ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5-10ppm. Haven't seen the tank go above 20ppm in years, I think because the plants do the heavy lifting, while the filters and substrate are also well established and can handle any other waste. I maintain weekly water changes even if test results say I don't need to, in order to clean the substrate and to keep the tank water chemically close to the source water, and avoid old tank syndrome.

Thank you for reading all this, and good luck to everyone who has entered :drinks:
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 8 awesome entries, click on your choice, and then click the cast button in the poll at the top of this thread.

Next contest is our Pet of the Month contest. You may enter any pet except fish in the contest. Entry period starts around Sept 14th so get those pet pics ready!
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