Eba advice ,


New Member
Jul 27, 2021
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United kingdom
Hi all , got possibly a very stupid question ? Ive got eba that hAve had eggs that hatched I Took some wrigglers out and have them
Seperate in little tank that’s still in main tank , but because they’re so small I covered it with tights to stop them
Falling through but golden gourami is constantly at it is it possible that he can suck the fry out through the tights and eat them, very new to fish keeping ( few months )
Sorry if stupid question I’m just really worried -photo attached


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What is the question?

It's preferable to leave the babies with their parents so they can learn how to be fish.
I’ve raised a few batches of eba in the past. From my experience they can be excellent parents and it will help to keep the fry with the parents. They will fiercely defend their babies so at least a few will survive to free swimmers. Once they’re free swimming tho I’d recommend moving them to a 2-3ft tank until they’re big enough to sell or put back in the main tank. The gourami probably won’t be able to suck them through the tights but I would probably still the rest with the parents just incase the ones in the breeder box don’t make it

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