Getting a male has been mentioned...don't. Unless you are prepared for what may occur. This species (both of the ram species) must select their mates from within a group; if they do, the two will normally bond, though this is not a certainty. If you put any male in with these two females, he may bond with one of them, or he may not, and if not, the females will not usually last long. If the male does bond with one female, it is difficult to say what may happen to the rejected female, but chances are she would not be long lived.
I added a female in with my male some years ago, before I understood the bonding issue. Looking back with hindsight knowledge, it was obvious from their behaviours that they were having difficulties right from the start. They spawned four times, then the male decided he'd had enough and he killed her. They were in a 5-foot long 115g tank, heavily planted, but that was not enough space. He considered the tank "his," and any intruder was not to be tolerated. He even kept the upper fish (various tetras about 130 in number) in line, which was certainly interesting to observe.