Guppy with super clamped fin

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Fish Addict
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Jul 23, 2021
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One of my yellow guppies has an extremely clamped fin. A few days ago it looked like he had burned his back fin on the heater. I just finished treating the tank for ich, so i have the temp around 83°. I haven’t done a test on the water quality lately because I’ve been changing it 20% every 48 hours per the ich medication instructions. And I just put the carbon filter back in yesterday. The Ich wave took out 6 of my fish.
It looks like he’s desperate for air and is glued to the top of my tank, and is swimming super erratically. Which has never been an issue. My other fish all look fine and are swimming around with no issue.
This fish in particular had a really rough time with the ich. He’d regularly be seen resting on the bottom of the tank for a couple hours before he started swimming again.
For now, I’m going to act as if it’s fin rot and double down on the water changes.


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I just got ich-x in the mail. I’ve been using api super ich cure. Should I give a couple doses of ich-x or go into the water changes and tank cleaning?
I just got ich-x in the mail. I’ve been using api super ich cure. Should I give a couple doses of ich-x or go into the water changes and tank cleaning?
i dont think he has ich (does he?)
other than that,
keep the water clean

what are your water parameters
I’m afraid I don’t know my exact parameters. I just did a 70% water change with a ton of substrate vacuuming. The tank is currently about 82°. I use tetra aquasafe plus as my water conditioner and then I add stability for the biofilter. And this time I added a bit of fish keeper nature’s disease remedy & immunization treatmeant. The first two is what the fish store recommended when I bought fish for the first time four months ago and then the fish keepers was recommended by them to add to the water once ich passed to help prevent it in the future. After the water change another one of my guppies has clamped fins, but I’m pretty sure that’s just stress because I’ve never done such a big change before.


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Clamped fins are usually caused by poor water quality or something in the water irritating the fish. It can also be caused by bacteria, protozoan and on rare occasions, fungus.

This does not look like fungus or bacteria.

If you treated the tank with chemicals to kill white spot, that will also kill any other protozoans in the water. So that is unlikely to be the cause.

This leaves us with something in the water.

I would do a 75% water change and gravel clean every day for a week and see if that helps.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

You can also add some rock salt (2 heaped tablespoons per 20 litres of water). Keep salt in the tank for 2 weeks.

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