Hello! @Aspen35
These are my digital arts so far...
I know not the best, but I think I am improving!
I used oil paints like you suggested for the guppy!
I will try to draw suggestions too lol... I’d like an image to draw based off of rather than just a species of fish or something...
A pleco
my swordtail
i did this today, a guppy that looks like one of my guppies that is in rehab and needs special care right now.
any style suggestions are welcome too! Such as cartoony or painting or something.
thanks again @Aspen35 yiu have inspired me to do stuff like this lol
all paintings are in order from first to latest
These are my digital arts so far...
I know not the best, but I think I am improving!
I used oil paints like you suggested for the guppy!
I will try to draw suggestions too lol... I’d like an image to draw based off of rather than just a species of fish or something...
any style suggestions are welcome too! Such as cartoony or painting or something.
thanks again @Aspen35 yiu have inspired me to do stuff like this lol
all paintings are in order from first to latest