Digital Art suggestions


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello! @Aspen35
These are my digital arts so far...
I know not the best, but I think I am improving!
I used oil paints like you suggested for the guppy!
I will try to draw suggestions too lol... I’d like an image to draw based off of rather than just a species of fish or something...
A pleco
my swordtail
i did this today, a guppy that looks like one of my guppies that is in rehab and needs special care right now.

any style suggestions are welcome too! Such as cartoony or painting or something.

thanks again @Aspen35 yiu have inspired me to do stuff like this lol

all paintings are in order from first to latest
Hello! @Aspen35
These are my digital arts so far...
I know not the best, but I think I am improving!
I used oil paints like you suggested for the guppy!
I will try to draw suggestions too lol... I’d like an image to draw based off of rather than just a species of fish or something...
View attachment 140324A plecoView attachment 140325forest~thingView attachment 140326my swordtailView attachment 140327i did this today, a guppy that looks like one of my guppies that is in rehab and needs special care right now.

any style suggestions are welcome too! Such as cartoony or painting or something.

thanks again @Aspen35 yiu have inspired me to do stuff like this lol

all paintings are in order from first to latest
OH MY GOODNESS! Your art is so fantastic!!!! That guppy is absolutely exceptional. Aww I’m glad I was able to inspire you, that really means a lot to me ☺️
OH MY GOODNESS! Your art is so fantastic!!!! That guppy is absolutely exceptional. Aww I’m glad I was able to inspire you, that really means a lot to me ☺️
Thanks! Any art suggestions?
Thanks! That one in the back looks a lil sad since it didn’t get taken a photo of LOL!

oh.. my guppies are even worse than that
This is how 99percent of guppy photos go

View attachment 140331
Oh my , I suppose he does look a little frowny 😆
Haha yeah getting photos of zippy little tropical fish is such a nightmare, by tetras make it a nightmare lol
Oh my , I suppose he does look a little frowny 😆
Haha yeah getting photos of zippy little tropical fish is such a nightmare, by tetras make it a nightmare lol
I’m starting on the orange guy!

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