Gel like things on my tank glass

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Jul 10, 2021
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New york
Hello, please help. My tank has these jiggly gel like balls all accross my tank. It looks like there is a few thousand . They are like Sacs or clumps of individual spores. I have no clue what they are or how they will affect my tank
40 gal breeder tank , 25 gal of water, i have 4 aquatic plants submerged in the water, have kuli loach, fiddler crabs and african dwarf frogs , 2 of each , been set up for about a month now

Edit- if you can see, in the second pic there is also some brown color on the glass , is this bad? I believe its brown algea right?


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Any snails ?
NH3 NO2 NO3 pH GH KH ??
What water do you fill your tank ? When did you fill it ?
Waterchanges, volume and frequency ?

Advices : remove all plastic/resine decor that can release dubious/toxic substances, and add lots of natural plants and roots.
Did you ever notice something that more or less ressemble that :

To clarify, what avel posted are hydra, a freshwater polyp that is introduced to aquariums accidentally and are pests, though don't do much damage.
Can you tell us what plants you have in there? You should probably add some more stem plants like ludwigias. The brown stuff seems to be algae, and that's normal. Maybe you should get some cleaners like otocinclus or corys. What do you plan on breeding?
I dont have any snails , and i use hose water that i condition with the water conditioner. i set up up about a month ago, and i do a 10 gallon water change every other week( havent done in about a week) .

I dont recall seeing anything that resemble those hydra you mention. And im a sceptible about doing a water change right now, because my female fiddler crab actually just gave birth about a day or two ago, and i dont want to suck up any babies.

thanks for your replies
No telling what the "globs" are, never kept frogs or fiddlers in a half-filled tank, so I have no experience with them

If they bother you, clean them with the ORIGINAL Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (pic) not use kitchen or bath versions, they contain detergents.

I recommend you get a water test kit, for the well-being of your critters in the tank, it is important to know the water chemistry quality in the tank...most importantly, ammonia, nitrIte, and nitrAte, as asked by @Avel1896 above....many of us use this one, I'd get one ASAP and get your water tested:

At any rate, that glass is pretty funky, you can clean it with the Magic Erasers with no harm to your critters...have a bucket nearby with treated water to rinse them in


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At any rate, that glass is pretty funky, you can clean it with the Magic Erasers with no harm to your critters...have a bucket nearby with treated water to rinse them in
Really? I would never have dared to use it !
Scrape the glass with a old credit card to remove the blotches add a UVC filter, make sure you have good biological and mechanical filtration, see if the blotches come back, if so use malachite green or levamisole or fenbendazole to kill off the critters creating the blotches. Do not use household cleaners.
"UVC" filter?

There is no need for the OP to treat for parasites, from the info given above.
After you clean the glass of blotches let your filters clean out the detritus for a couple of days, then at night shine a torch into the unlit tank to see if you have any nasties floating around, check over a period of a week, as there may be eggs in the substrate. A UVC will kill many nasties in the water but you may need further treatment if you see worms or other critters.

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