Can I get a Snowball pleco More tetras and cories?


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern US
Hi, I have a 55 gallon planted tank with
1 Electric Blue Acara
10 Bloodfin Tetras
A BN plec
3 Cory hastatus

my GH is 5, PH is 7.5

can I add a snowball pleco? My LFS just got some in. Stockingwise I only plan to add more Cory hastatus, or maybe a cheaper variety of Cory (I can’t find hastatus anywhere) and maybe like up my school of bloodfin tetras to 18. Would this work?
is the snowball pleco compatible with my water parameters and my current fish?

Ideally my like “finished stock list” would be

1 electric blue acara
18 bloodfin tetras
Snowball pleco
BN pleco
12 normal sized cories OR 18 Pygmy cories
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Hello :)
You really shoud increase number of hastatus that want to live in group of 10 minimum, better 15.
Bloodfins up to 20.

Is your current BN a female ? If yes you could add a female snowball.
2 males are at the risk of squabbles. In addition those fishes turn bad-tempered when aging.

Also keep in mind that Cories and plecos are scaleless so want a rigorous water maintenance.
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Hello :)
You really shoud increase number of hastatus that want to live in group of 10 minimum, better 15.
Bloodfins up to 20.
I have looked for the last year both online and my LFS for more Hastatus, and haven’t been able to find them. As soon as I do I will buy more, in the meantime what should I do? I can do 20 on the bloodfins, and my BN pleco is a female!
I have looked for the last year both online and my LFS for more Hastatus, and haven’t been able to find them. As soon as I do I will buy more, in the meantime what should I do? I can do 20 on the bloodfins, and my BN pleco is a female!
I encourage you to wait for your LFS finds hastatus. It's better not to mix them even if there are other mini Cories.
Are you sure your Pleco is a female ? Sometime it's hard to sex them.
Ok! I do weekly 50% water changes
Important points : water changed must be at the same temp. as the aquarium water, and of the same composition.

Could you post pictures of your tank please ?

Edit : if you're using tap water make sure to sit and "age" it for 2 days minimum to let chlorine and chloramine evaporate.
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Important points : water changed must be at the same temp. as the aquarium water, and of the same composition.
Yes, the water from my sink has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, GH 6, PH 7.5, and I always match temp and dechlorinate. The tank has been cycled and running for 6 months

Could you post pictures of your tank please ?

this was it a month ish ago. I added more plants so it is more densely planted. It is planted (now) with tons of Amazon Sword, Red Ludwigia, Water Sprite, Corkscrew Val, Dwarf Sag, and a large tiger lotus. I also removed the dragon stone
It has to be a stunning tank !

0 nitrates, 0 nitrites, GH 6, PH 7.5
Nitrates also have to be checked ;)
If possible, do not let pH rise over 7.5 it's a bit high.

The tank has been cycled and running for 6 months

I added more plants so it is more densely planted.
Densely planted tank makes fishes feel safe. and are vital to tank balance.

I also removed the dragon stone
It is an appropriate tank stone as neutral. You could have attached epiphyte or epilithe plants on it.
Corydoras hastatus seems extremely difficult to acquire these days. This was even mentioned on Ian Fuller's Corydoras World site. I've no idea when you might see some available, so in the meantime, if this were me, I would get a group of C. pygmaeus to keep them company. I have had these together many years back (1980's) and they both love interacting with other small fish. My current group of C. pygmaeus are frequently in the shoal of Paracheirodon simulans. And both these cory species do a lot of swimming in the upper water area, even among roots of floating plants. This chuminess will not be the same with any of the larger cory species.
It has to be a stunning tank !

Nitrates also have to be checked ;)
If possible, do not let pH rise over 7.5 it's a bit high.


Densely planted tank makes fishes feel safe. and are vital to tank balance.

It is an appropriate tank stone as neutral. You could have attached epiphyte or epilithe plants on it.
Corydoras hastatus seems extremely difficult to acquire these days. This was even mentioned on Ian Fuller's Corydoras World site. I've no idea when you might see some available, so in the meantime, if this were me, I would get a group of C. pygmaeus to keep them company. I have had these together many years back (1980's) and they both love interacting with other small fish. My current group of C. pygmaeus are frequently in the shoal of Paracheirodon simulans. And both these cory species do a lot of swimming in the upper water area, even among roots of floating plants. This chuminess will not be the same with any of the larger cory species.
ok. I do have 4 of the actual “Pygmy cories” who I did get with the intention of them hopefully giving each other a stronger sense of security, I will move them from my 10 gallon today then! (I started with 6, but two disappeared around 2 months ago) and have some small floating plants that are just taking a while to grow!
I went to my LFS today to see the snowball pleco and get some more bloodfin tetras, and I have decided no snowball plec for me! It was labeled to sell for $70! I was expecting $20. Thank you for all the help though, now I can be watching for a better price!
$70 ?? Wow !! Adult or juvie ? I know they are stunning and trendy but though.....
I'm gonna check at my LFS.

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