Holes in Kleiner plants

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Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2021
Reaction score
Illinois, United States
Hello! I'm just seeing if anyone knows what's going on with my Kleiner. 2 out of 7 in this tank have developed holes in the leaves, at first they start out brown and then the holes happen. The two plants are right next to eachother and surrounded by 12 other swords which are all doing great. Could it just be they need more root tabs then the others or is this melting? They've been in the tank for 1.5month where as the other 12 have been planted for several months. I did however have ich and treated with heat and I should have moved my plants out maybe but I didn't want to uproot them again. Could the heat just have damaged these two since they weren't established yet before the heat treatment? The ich has been gone for over a month but these two plants haven't had any new growth whereas the established plants have started sending up runners shortly after the temp went back to the normal. Any ideas? I'm unsure how to figure out the measurement of light per inch, but I use a fluorescent white light and an led plant light, seachem tab fertilizer every 3 weeks and seachem comprehensive liquid fertilizer every week following a 50% w.c. every Saturday. Lights are on for 7 hours to help control black beard that grows on the wood. I'll test my water and post results shortly
Unsure if its heat damage or nutrient deficiency. I would trim the damaged leaves and watch new growth.
This may help you identifying any nutrient deficiencies in the future.
Hello @PorshaF :)
What fishes do you house ? Any sucker fish ?
Suckers are omnivores with vegetarian tendency and when they are hungry, they eat the soft leaves.
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Unsure if its heat damage or nutrient deficiency. I would trim the damaged leaves and watch new growth.
This may help you identifying any nutrient deficiencies in the future.
what i have heard is that these swords like to use the nutrients from the old leaf for the new one, so maybe trim it once it has wilted

Not sure for lack of potassium that usally shows yellow edges and dark spots on leaves.
If it is potassium deficiency how do I manage that? Additional root tabs or different liquid fertilizer?

No sucker fish in the tank, there are bladder snails but I've never noticed any on the leaves or any damage to any of the other plants
Snails are detritivore si it is possible they are leaves in bas state.
If it is potassium it's enough to add some after having tested it.
probably something grazing on the plant, either algae eating fish or snails

yellow leaves is usually iron deficiency.
I'll be spending the weekend catching the pond snails then, hopefully that's the issue and I'll add an extra root tab to those damaged ones to see if that helps with the yellowing. Thank you all for the help!
I think it's rather a "vitrification/disintegration" well known in Cryptocorynes and also affect other plants (bacterial cause).
The only way to stop it is to cut diseased stem at its base. In the worst case, it may be necessary to cut back the plant which will grow back a few weeks later.

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