New Member
Hello everyone.
I'm pretty new to fish keeping and have probably made a few mistakes already and have a sick platy (which I inherited and am told he is around 2 years old). We tried give the guy some friends and a new tank and have probably caused a bit of stress or introduced something with the new fish/plants. Basically we swapped him to a new tank, new media, new plants etc (rookie error). More detail is below. Is there anything else I can do, possibly medication, to help him?
Isolation tank (essentially his old home)- Fluval 1 plus with new media (old ones got ditched)
New tank - Internal cartridge filter CF1 with new media
No transfer between old and new tank, haven't changed the media since we got it (4 weeks), rinsed in water removed from the tank when changing water
Water testing:
Basic tetra 6 in 1 strips (not sure on the reliability), no ammonia though.
For the isolation tank
Tank size: 20L
tank age: 15-17y
pH: 7.9
ammonia: NA
nitrite: 1.54
nitrate: 47
kH: 10
gH: 9
tank temp: 21/22
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Clamped fins, hiding/lying motionless in the bottom corner, reduced appetite - almost looks like he wants to eat and cant (strange coughing like reflex with gills), weird swimming pattern, scratching itself on plants and filter repeatedly when he does move about. No visible signs of white spot or velvet but some loss of colour below his gills and above his eye from the scratching i think. Did have a velvety patch prior to adding salt - now gone.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
30% once a week (this was in the new tank, he has only been in the isolation tank for approaching 1 week).
When transferring him to the isolation tank we used 70% new water and 30% from the other tank.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Filter boost - both tanks
tap safe when changing water
API aquarium salt - both tanks now at 2 tbsp/20L
Tank inhabitants:
Isolation tank - sick platy, plastic plants (use previously) and a small java fern offshoots
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
New tank - cory x 2, minnows x 3, mollies x4, platy x 1, unknown plant??
Exposure to chemicals: NA
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty new to fish keeping and have probably made a few mistakes already and have a sick platy (which I inherited and am told he is around 2 years old). We tried give the guy some friends and a new tank and have probably caused a bit of stress or introduced something with the new fish/plants. Basically we swapped him to a new tank, new media, new plants etc (rookie error). More detail is below. Is there anything else I can do, possibly medication, to help him?
Isolation tank (essentially his old home)- Fluval 1 plus with new media (old ones got ditched)
New tank - Internal cartridge filter CF1 with new media
No transfer between old and new tank, haven't changed the media since we got it (4 weeks), rinsed in water removed from the tank when changing water
Water testing:
Basic tetra 6 in 1 strips (not sure on the reliability), no ammonia though.
For the isolation tank
Tank size: 20L
tank age: 15-17y
pH: 7.9
ammonia: NA
nitrite: 1.54
nitrate: 47
kH: 10
gH: 9
tank temp: 21/22
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Clamped fins, hiding/lying motionless in the bottom corner, reduced appetite - almost looks like he wants to eat and cant (strange coughing like reflex with gills), weird swimming pattern, scratching itself on plants and filter repeatedly when he does move about. No visible signs of white spot or velvet but some loss of colour below his gills and above his eye from the scratching i think. Did have a velvety patch prior to adding salt - now gone.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
30% once a week (this was in the new tank, he has only been in the isolation tank for approaching 1 week).
When transferring him to the isolation tank we used 70% new water and 30% from the other tank.
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Filter boost - both tanks
tap safe when changing water
API aquarium salt - both tanks now at 2 tbsp/20L
Tank inhabitants:
Isolation tank - sick platy, plastic plants (use previously) and a small java fern offshoots
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
New tank - cory x 2, minnows x 3, mollies x4, platy x 1, unknown plant??
Exposure to chemicals: NA
Any help would be greatly appreciated.