Upgrading Tank(s). Need Suggestions.


Fish Gatherer
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
South East, England
At last, my birthday's come and gone and my parents have finally caved! Though I didn't get a tank for my birthday, they've agreed to let me upgrade to a larger tank. Unfortunately the deal also involved me having to sell my current tank (3.6ft Juwel Panoramic) to accommodate for this new tank. Hoping to move up to a 5ft. Rectangular, instead of the strange hexagonal tank I have now.

As always, I've got some questions...

What should I do with all my fish as I set the tank up? The tank is far too heavy to put out on the landing, and carrying it downstairs is not a practical option either. My 15 gallon can't be used as it's currently filled with many baby guppies and fully planted, so getting the fish back out would be a nightmare.

For the new tank I plan on using the same substrate, plants, rocks, stones, bogwood, e.c.t. from the current tank, and I'll also be using the same external filter and all the other bits. So hopefully, there wouldn't be a massive gap between getting the fish in from the "waiting area" (waiting room, I'll call it) to getting them in the new tank. That being said, when I changed the substrate in the current tank, I started putting the fish back in 1-2 hours after the tank had filled up and gotten to temperature (with water conditioner). The fish didn't suffer and I never experienced an ammonia spike or anything similar during this time. So as far as that goes, I should be fine. But as always, I'd like a second opinion where possible.

My main concern is where I'll put the fish as I set up the new tank, because it may take a while and I don't want to cause unnecessary stress or damage for my fish.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Oh, and all my fish are doing very well currently. Have four vampire shrimp currently and my new plec has settled in wonderfully. So pleased with how it's all going. Plants do look a little worse for wear, though.
Best shape for fishes, especially if you go for schooling ones.
Are you "obliged" to sell your current tank now ? Can't you wait for the 4-5 weeks needed to cycle the next tank ? Can't you deal with your parents ? Explaining them why you need to wat for 4-5 weeks ?

If not, a temporary QT, nothing in except fishes, 50% waterchange every other to avoid ammonia.
Best shape for fishes, especially if you go for schooling ones.
Are you "obliged" to sell your current tank now ? Can't you wait for the 4-5 weeks needed to cycle the next tank ? Can't you deal with your parents ? Explaining them why you need to wat for 4-5 weeks ?
No, I'm not obligated to sell it now. The plan was to use all the same substrate, plants, decor, e.c.t. Did this before when changing the substrate and suffered no stress to the fish (as far as I could tell) and no ammonia spikes. Unfortunately I don't have the space to have both tanks set up. My parents are understanding of all that stuff. It would just be very impractical to have both tanks up.
no way to put them next to each other? Or one above the other?
Can you remind me how many fish you have?
And, at the risk of repeating myself, if you want to maintain these fishes, you must lower the pH. How about GH and KH ?
6x corydoras aeneus (bronze + albino)
3x kuhli loaches
1x red tail shark : stunning but bad/territorial/aggressive tankmate with other bottom dwellers/feeders : incompatible with Cories, Kuhli, Plecos, Upside down catfish, any shrimp, e.t.c.
1x vampire shrimp : needs to live in a group for its well-being, hides most of the tome during the day.

You will need to make drastic choice in your list :sad:

3x neon tetras
5x glowlight tetras
8x rummynose tetras
3x congo tetras
6x black neon tetras
3x pearl gourami
8x male guppies
1x sailfin pleco
1x common pleco
Desired stock/after rehoming:
9x corydoras aeneus (bronze + black venezuelan + albino)
6x kuhli loaches
1x vampire shrimp
8x rummynose tetras
1x sailfin pleco
4x upside down catfish
no way to put them next to each other? Or one above the other?
No. As I have already said, it's unrealistic. There's a possibility that two tanks full of water in the same room would make the floor fall through. I can't have the current tank downstairs because we don't have the space. Moving it to another room would require draining it to move it without literally killing ourselves from the weight.

And, at the risk of repeating myself, if you want to maintain these fishes, you must lower the pH. How about GH and KH ?
6x corydoras aeneus (bronze + albino)
3x kuhli loaches
1x red tail shark : stunning but bad/territorial/aggressive tankmate with other bottom dwellers/feeders : incompatible with Cories, Kuhli, Plecos, Upside down catfish, any shrimp, e.t.c.
1x vampire shrimp : needs to live in a group for its well-being, hides most of the tome during the day.

You will need to make drastic choice in your list :sad:

3x neon tetras
5x glowlight tetras
8x rummynose tetras
3x congo tetras
6x black neon tetras
3x pearl gourami
8x male guppies
1x sailfin pleco
1x common pleco
Desired stock/after rehoming:
9x corydoras aeneus (bronze + black venezuelan + albino)
6x kuhli loaches
1x vampire shrimp
8x rummynose tetras
1x sailfin pleco
4x upside down catfish
This is an incredibly old list. I'm not sure why you decided to bring up an old list including fish I don't actually have when you've already asked me to tell you what I have. Not to mention that I did not ask for advice on my stock at all.

Currently, my tank has:

1x red tail shark
1x sailfin pleco
1x orinoco angel x snowball cross pleco
3x kuhli loaches
2x upside down catfish
12x c. aeneus
4x vampire shrimp
8x rummynose tetras

And could you please not format your replies in the way that you do? It's incredibly straining to read.
Pity. This would have made it possible to note that you're housing mismatched stock.

Not this incredidibly old : April 2, 2021
If you're just going to be spiteful, I would rather you not interact with my threads.

If that is too hard to understand: Do not reply to my threads or interact with my posts.
I used a couple of these when moved and waited for the tank, they were inexpensive under 10usd each and came with a lid.you can drill holes in the lid for the tubing
If you're just going to be spiteful, I would rather you not interact with my threads.

If that is too hard to understand: Do not reply to my threads or interact with my posts.
"spiteful" :rolleyes:
Received loud and clear.
Have a nice day.
I used a couple of these when moved and waited for the tank, they were inexpensive under 10usd each and came with a lid.you can drill holes in the lid for the tubing View attachment 139472
Yes, I was thinking of those! I was thinking of making a pseudo-tank? Add some sand if I have any available, a heater and all the necessary bits. Should be enough space for all the fish and then some.

Definitely my current top-pick.

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