
Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2020
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i found a dead molly fry. all my adult fish are laying in the bottom of the tank. they are breathing and stuff but they look like they could die any minute. the water parameters are fine so i don’t know what is happening. please help. i’ll try to provide a picture of the problem. PLEASE HELP!! 😭😭😥😥😥 i’m freaking out. this has never happened
just yesterday they were acting normal and swimming and eating now they won’t get off the floor


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kinda looks like some fungus on my black molly


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Did you do a water change yesterday?

If you did there may be some chlorine left in the water from it which can cause burn marks, trouble swimming, and breathing. I’m not quite an expert on this but if this isn’t it I’m sure @Colin_T can help.
Change 75 % of the water and of course add chlorine remover.
Did you add any new fish or live plants recently that could have introduced a pathogen? Could anything toxic have gotten in the water (from paint fumes or other chemicals)? Is your test kit for ammonia and nitrite still good (not expired or anything and giving false reading)?
It looks like excess mucous, which is normally caused by something in the water irritating the fish. This combined with the baby fish dying and the remaining fish sitting on the bottom breathing heavily would suggest poisoning of some sort.

Do a 75-90% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day for at least a week.
make sure the new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen in the water.

Check the water temperature.

What happened yesterday and the day before?
Any social gatherings, smoking, painting, visitors of any type?
Did you have anything (creams, perfumes, hand sanitiser, soap residue) on your hands when you fed the fish?
Did anyone else do anything near the tank or to the tank?
i found a dead molly fry. all my adult fish are laying in the bottom of the tank. they are breathing and stuff but they look like they could die any minute. the water parameters are fine so i don’t know what is happening. please help. i’ll try to provide a picture of the problem. PLEASE HELP!! 😭😭😥😥😥 i’m freaking out. this has never happened
I recommend testing your tap water to see if there is anything off about it. Make sure you're using water conditioner and have the tank cycled, also oxygenation of the tank is very important, make sure the air is good because this will definitely kill your fish. I noticed a little bit of what looked like a messed up slime coat or possibly some fungus? Personally i'd do a big water change and add some ParaGaurd by seachem to the tank and pray. Turn the temp up a few degrees in the low 80s to help the immune system of the fish. Once theyre back to normal i'd make sure to turn the heat back down as warmer water speeds up a fish's life cycle.
Hi ya.

Most of the advice you have already been given is very good. And some not so much. The main problem I see from one of your photos is that you have sea shells in your aquarium. This is a massive no no, your fish are fresh water and shells are sea water. The shells are releasing harmful minerals into the water. These fish prefer water with little to no minerals. Doing a massive water change will help short term as this will dilute the imbalance in the water. However this my also kill the fish due to stress. Your best thing to do is take out any shells and stones that are not from a fresh water source or are artificial. Do little water changes between 10 and 25% every other day for a week. Leave the light off and feed very little once a day. Your dechlorinator (aquasafe) adds vitamins to the water that will help the fish replenish the natural mocus the fish creates to helps protect them from bacteria and parasites.

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