Help with 6 week old fry

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Daft punk

New Member
Jun 6, 2021
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Some advise from breeders please 🙏 I have 6 week old fry, all has been good until this last week n half now they are all dying... before this I had a sickness that moved through the adults, some werbt affected, some died, some were treated and r now well..I have one still very poorly and still do not know what is wrong but am treating him now with blue meth and salt baths since he has not responded to one treatment, reacted badly to the other and still do not know wat is wrong... I have been feeding fry a combination of microworms, frozen, ground pellets with spirulina, insuforia, bby brine shrimp and recently bought n cultured daphnia, water in all my tanks shows no abnormalities,
I thought maybe feeding wrong foods hence the variety, then maybe too much since it seems I have to do water changes or else they die not long after adding food to the tank so adding minimal 4 times a day but water changes r a lot so thought maybe Im doing to much water changing.. especially after being told by another breeder he does his once a week and I'm doing more than one a day.. 🙁he told me maybe vus I'm removing g lid too much and they come up for air and the cold shock of it without lid kills them.. so I stopped changing water after feeds but they float upside down and I'm watching them die (this reason I stopped insuforia cus maybe fouling water too much bit I still see water as gloupy after feeding and more deaths - if I feed any less it be nothing - blamed sponge filter cleaned even swapped it but yet another death after feeding micro amounts and water tests say all good.. im struggling to know wat do for best now..dont have many left now.. temps are good - I check constantly with temp gun and controlled by thermostat.. im about to run out to buy a new filter but my local stores don't sell the sponge ones, feel like I'm doing something wrong but maybe they have wat my adults had and I can't stop it.. they look fine n show no symptoms of sickness until after being fed and I can see the ones that are gun go cus of their behaviour.. (although some look pale at times and I worry I'm not feeding enuff cis of what's happening),
I'm at a loss - any advice appreciated..
What size tank and what setup have you got? A pic would help for a start. I am a firm believer in don’t change too many things at once or you stress the fish out.

I think we need some info at @Metalman said.

What type of fish are they?
What size tank - and what decorations do you have?
What are your water parameters? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH)
A picture would definitely be helpful.
Hiya, they r betta fish, tank is about 27 litres, tests show water is fine (test frequently for everything and a separate one for amonia- all is as shud be apart from kh which is always 0- not ideal but no different to how it always is in my tanks,) temp 26-28 set on a thermostat, had one one snail in a while recently added another 2, plants - java moss, salvinia and on strand oxygen plant, no decoration only a bridge I tied moss to from start, sponge filter I recently swapped with another sponge filter from established tank (afraid it wasn't working properly), I recently reduced feeds and water changes in last 24 hours and lost another 4 ..

i have now spotted hydra in there and one more dead on bottom, not sure how long they been there but i recently added snails and fish salvinia, don't know wat to do so removed them and they are in a tub for now until I decide wat to do, only 2 left now 😞 and the hydra attached to the bridge were quite long and I know trying to scrape them off can create even more, don't think I can heat my tank hot enuff to kill them so have to order mess but wat to do with them that least stressful in meantime..dont have spare tank, have lots of big tubs and empty tank but don't know if water is safe tbh, do have a square net used to separate/isolate fish I cun put into a bigger tank...wat do u think? Way do u think..?

I will upload pics but only have 2 from 2 weeks ago ( my phone storage is full and have to get on pc to sort but not had thw time) not much different now to the pics tbh other than the filter is out of the water in pic cus I was changing the water at the time... and I had a tub floating in there with a lone tiny fry that I discovered in my insuforia tub..🙈 it only him and one other left ( the biggest and smallest of them together atm😞 ) - r the too small to go into separate jars ? Cus they r still quite small..🤷‍♀️


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Hiya, they r betta fish, tank is about 27 litres, tests show water is fine (test frequently for everything and a separate one for amonia- all is as shud be apart from kh which is always 0- not ideal but no different to how it always is in my tanks,) temp 26-28 set on a thermostat, had one one snail in a while recently added another 2, plants - java moss, salvinia and on strand oxygen plant, no decoration only a bridge I tied moss to from start, sponge filter I recently swapped with another sponge filter from established tank (afraid it wasn't working properly), I recently reduced feeds and water changes in last 24 hours and lost another 4 ..

i have now spotted hydra in there and one more dead on bottom, not sure how long they been there but i recently added snails and fish salvinia, don't know wat to do so removed them and they are in a tub for now until I decide wat to do, only 2 left now 😞 and the hydra attached to the bridge were quite long and I know trying to scrape them off can create even more, don't think I can heat my tank hot enuff to kill them so have to order mess but wat to do with them that least stressful in meantime..dont have spare tank, have lots of big tubs and empty tank but don't know if water is safe tbh, do have a square net used to separate/isolate fish I cun put into a bigger tank...wat do u think? Way do u think..?

I will upload pics but only have 2 from 2 weeks ago ( my phone storage is full and have to get on pc to sort but not had thw time) not much different now to the pics tbh other than the filter is out of the water in pic cus I was changing the water at the time... and I had a tub floating in there with a lone tiny fry that I discovered in my insuforia tub..🙈 it only him and one other left ( the biggest and smallest of them together atm😞 ) - r the too small to go into separate jars ? Cus they r still quite small..🤷‍♀️
I currently have put the tub on a heat mat to keep them warm and have nothing else other than some water in with them...
I am at a loss.

If your water tests are truly 0,0 and 0 ---> then that should not be the problem.

Temp does not seem to be the problem to me; but I've never bred bettas.

I have no clue what could have caused this beyond a water quality issue and/or contaminated food (unlikely).
The problem as I see it with the smaller tanks is that due to the size any changes of water quality is virtually instant and as Kribensis said......I have never bred Or kept Bettas.
So if they are dropping like flies then something in the tank is killing them or they are so stressed they are doing the oozlum bird.
My advice is to strip tank and thoroughly clean it and start again.......clean gravel and water then get heater and filter in. Do NOT add fish until tank has been cycled however you do yours and then add fish in small doses, one kind at a time and leave tank to settle for a week or so before adding more.
Hope you sort it, but go slowly if redoing.
The problem as I see it with the smaller tanks is that due to the size any changes of water quality is virtually instant and as Kribensis said......I have never bred Or kept Bettas.
So if they are dropping like flies then something in the tank is killing them or they are so stressed they are doing the oozlum bird.
My advice is to strip tank and thoroughly clean it and start again.......clean gravel and water then get heater and filter in. Do NOT add fish until tank has been cycled however you do yours and then add fish in small doses, one kind at a time and leave tank to settle for a week or so before adding more.
Hope you sort it, but go slowly if redoing.
Thank u for ur response, I have no experience with green hydra but believe they are whats been killing them I found a post saying temp of 40cfor 2 hours will kill them off or using a 6volt battery, I am struggling to get water over 35c got 2 heaters on full, lid and blocked gaps... i may try the battery - in meqn time they in small tub temp and water parameters r good..if I do have to start over where shud I keep them till tank is cycled in ur opinion..?


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What if I set up a small tank with water from an already cycled tank...?
Do you think, maybe, they aren't getting a good layer of warm humid air above the water for development of their labyrinths? It would be difficult to arrange, especially when feeding them so often. It might also explain why they die after feeding.
Doing some research most carnivorous fish including bettas will hunt for the green hydra if you cut down on their food.

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