New 180 long setup!

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Fish Fanatic
Tank of the Month 🏆
Feb 17, 2020
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Hardscape officially finished for my new 180 litre long tank. 40L of soil, 18kg of rock, 6 big pieces of river wood and 5l riverbed sand and gravel.

Finally filled the tank and hooked up my APS 1400 external filter. The flow rate does look pretty quick to me but hopefully it should be ok for the fish when I eventually get those in.

Next job is to drain the water and start planting!
huge list of plants going in this one which ive added as a photo rather than listing them al and I’ll add more photos of that next week when I get round to sorting them!

All plants and hardscape were curtesy of

After that it’s time to stock the real fun stuff - the fish!
Looking like stocking will be
3/5 Pearl gouramis
24 rummynose tetra
15 green neon tetra
10 espei rasbora
10 peppered cory
6 panda Cory

Hope you like the look of the tank so far guys!


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a lot of growth in the past month!
super happy with how it’s coming in! Still abit of diatoms that’s slowly disappearing on the back glass and rocks.
Temp at 78
stocking currently

2 Bolivian ram
12 peppered cories
8 harlequin rasbora
12 cardinal tetra
12 rummynose tetra (upping to 24 this week)
handful of cherry shrimp and 3 nerite snails

Still looking to add a few more fish for higher up the tank - I think the flow might be too much for Pearl gourami, I know they like low flow, so thought maybe a wee group of mollies?
But do you have suggestions for a splash of colour and that’ll go well in this tank!

let me know! 😀
so thought maybe a wee group of mollies?

You have all soft water fish at the moment - do you have soft water? Mollies need very hard water so they aren't a good mix with the fish you have now.

But it's a stunning tank even without another splash of colour :)
You have all soft water fish at the moment - do you have soft water? Mollies need very hard water so they aren't a good mix with the fish you have now.

But it's a stunning tank even without another splash of colour :)
I do yeah - ahh right I mustn’t have read they’re water requirements right, so yeah definitely not mollies then and more more soft water fish instead.
Thanks so much! Glad you like it!

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