
Who's your favourite drummer? Personally I love Danny Carey from Tool, I think he's amazing and love watching him play
I play acoustic and electric guitar I own 4 guitars currently and need more. I played the alto saxophone for a while but I stopped playing. I'm currently learning G.O.A.T by Polyphia on my electric.
Here are two of my guitars I'll have to get pics of my B.C Rich mockingbird and my custom stratocaster tomorrow.
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My neglected guitars. Life happens.

The ESP LTD EX-400BD is my #1. I bought it close to 20 years ago and it has some roadware. It's dinged up and dirty and been the one guitar that I could never part with. It's been played at every gig I ever played and then some. The only thing that I've modified was I did an 18v mod for the stock EMG 81/60 pickups a few years ago. What a difference!

The red one is a BC Rich Mockingbird Contour Deluxe. The stock Hot Hex pickups leave a bit to be desired in the tone department (a bit muddy and scooped), but it came with push/pull pots, so I can split coils and have sparkling clean single coil tones or use them as hot humbuckers for the most gnarly rock and metal. Very versatile. It plays exceptionally well and let's be honest, that veneer is sexy! This will be my children's guitar once they get a bit older.

The acoustic is a Sequoia of some kind. It was given to me recently by an awesome family member.

For amps, I've always been a Peavey 5150 fan. I used one for many years. I sold my 5150 to help us move after getting married and played through a Roland Cube 30 for a minute. I bought a Burgers 6162 (6505+ clone) afterwards. Phenomenal amp, but life happens. I sold it and I use my old Roland Cube to this day.

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My neglected guitars. Life happens.

The ESP LTD EX-400BD is my #1. I bought it close to 20 years ago and it has some roadware. It's dinged up and dirty and been the one guitar that I could never part with. It's been played at every gig I ever played and then some. The only thing that I've modified was I did an 18v mod for the stock EMG 81/60 pickups a few years ago. What a difference!

The red one is a BC Rich Mockingbird Contour Deluxe. The stock Hot Hex pickups leave a bit to be desired in the tone department (a bit muddy and scooped), but it came with push/pull pots, so I can split coils and have sparkling clean single coil tones or use them as hot humbuckers for the most gnarly rock and metal. Very versatile. It plays exceptionally well and let's be honest, that veneer is sexy! This will be my children's guitar once they get a bit older.

The acoustic is a Sequoia of some kind. It was given to me recently by an awesome family member.

For amps, I've always been a Peavey 5150 fan. I used one for many years. I sold my 5150 to help us move after getting married and played through a Roland Cube 30 for a minute. I bought a Burgers 6162 (6505+ clone) afterwards. Phenomenal amp, but life happens. I sold it and I use my old Roland Cube to this day.

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I also have a soft spot for Peavey. I still have my first amp, a peavey vypyr and I also have the vypyr VIP 3
I've never hit a drum in my life, although I've stood in front of a fair few. I've played guitar since I was 9 and bass since I was about 15, so 29 years and 23 years respectively.

My girlfriend is a classically trained pianist, and when she lived in israel she worked the club scene with some distinctly non-classical bands. She also played as a restaurant pianist for a time.

She has tried to teach me, but my fingers won't co-operate.

I've only got 3 bass guitars now, a peavey millennium, a fender fretless and a G&L L2000 which is my baby.

As for guitars, I've got far too many. I've got acoustics and electrics, 6 and 12 string. Single coils, humbuckers, everything just in case it was ever needed.

My main acoustic is a Patrick James Eggle Etowah. my go to electric for home use is a weird hand made 339 copy with humbucker size p90's. When it comes to stage, which I've no desire to go back to after covid, it's an ibanez RG or a Schecter Blackjack V.

My favourite amp is a Laney Lionheart L5t-112, normally paired with a nobles odr-1.

I could go on all night talking about gear, seriously.
I tried to teach my wife bass. She say prefers violin. I love bass. I'm a rhythm guy. No desire to be a lead guitarist.

Schecter makes a wonderful product. Even the budget models play great. Ibanez is another I love. I grew up playing an RG470. I put DiMarzios in it and it screamed. That neck was so thin and fast.

Speaking of fast, thin necks, I miss my Jackson DK-2. That was a good looking guitar. My blonde Peavey Wolfgang was pretty sexy, too. That was more like playing a narrow baseball bat, though.

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My Schecter is great, but I hated the neck at first. The shape was comfortable but I hated the thick poly on it, my hands just wouldn't move right on it... So I took a sander to it and made it look like crap but play great.

My Ibanez is my favoured guitar for stage or just heavy rock, I think the neck is wenge and bubinga and is really nice in the had.

You're taking me back with the Jackson, one of my first guitars was a blue dinky and I wish I kept it.

I'm adding two photos, the two extremes when it comes to necks, one thin and fast and the other a fat D. I love them both.


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My Schecter is great, but I hated the neck at first. The shape was comfortable but I hated the thick poly on it, my hands just wouldn't move right on it... So I took a sander to it and made it look like crap but play great.

My Ibanez is my favoured guitar for stage or just heavy rock, I think the neck is wenge and bubinga and is really nice in the had.

You're taking me back with the Jackson, one of my first guitars was a blue dinky and I wish I kept it.

I'm adding two photos, the two extremes when it comes to necks, one thin and fast and the other a fat D. I love them both.

Fat necks... I'm not even going to discuss an SG or vintage LP, but how about a nice fat V neck on a PRS? Fat, but comfortable. Or a Deam ML neck?

ESP and BC Rich have always felt the best for me. Thin, but not downright flat like Ibanez and Jackson and far from reminding you of a Louisville Slugger like an old Gibson.

Fender, although not generally suited for metal and mostly bolt on, have always felt great in my hands.

Laney's are very hard to come by here, but they sound AMAZING! I've only played a couple, but each was aces. How about a Bogner Uberschall? Those sound best with a moderate gain to me.

One amp that I hate, and any dedicated guitar forum would crucify me for this, but Diezel VH4. Too perfect. Overly processed and sterile.
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Fat necks... I'm not even going to discuss an SG or vintage LP, but how about a nice fat V neck on a PRS? Fat, but comfortable. Or a Deam ML neck?

ESP and BC Rich have always felt the best for me. Thin, but not downright flat like Ibanez and Jackson and far from reminding you of a Louisville Slugger like an old Gibson.

Fender, although not generally suited for metal and mostly bolt on, have always felt great in my hands.

SG's have never been my thing so I've only had fleeting interactions with them. I had to borrow one once and as I remember I could barely get through a song with it, there was something about it as a package that I couldn't work with.

The same goes for PRS, I have never played one that I would call high quality. I've got an SE Soapbar and an SE 244 baritone but I've never tried an American made one to really form an opinion. The SE's are nice, but nothing special.

A neck I'm still unsure about is my les paul. It's either a 2016 or 2017 les paul standard HP and the neck is asymmetrical. After changing the pickups the thing sounds like a beast though, so I can forgive the neck gimmick.

Have you ever played a Vigier? I fell in love with a matt black GV rock some time ago, but I didn't feel like shelling out £2600 for it given the number of single cuts I already had. Beautiful neck though, very smooth.
SG's have never been my thing so I've only had fleeting interactions with them. I had to borrow one once and as I remember I could barely get through a song with it, there was something about it as a package that I couldn't work with.

The same goes for PRS, I have never played one that I would call high quality. I've got an SE Soapbar and an SE 244 baritone but I've never tried an American made one to really form an opinion. The SE's are nice, but nothing special.

A neck I'm still unsure about is my les paul. It's either a 2016 or 2017 les paul standard HP and the neck is asymmetrical. After changing the pickups the thing sounds like a beast though, so I can forgive the neck gimmick.

Have you ever played a Vigier? I fell in love with a matt black GV rock some time ago, but I didn't feel like shelling out £2600 for it given the number of single cuts I already had. Beautiful neck though, very smooth.

I've never even seen a Vigier in person. I know Muhammed Suiçmez played one for years. Looks great and sounds great, but clearly above my pay grade.
Hi, i not play the drums, but i knew that today Alan White has passed away. He was the legendary drummer of the band: YES.

Here in Mexico, Yes have millions of fans ( as me ) since their very first album in the 60´s years. And as a way for remember him, i has posted this message.

This is a great lost for the modern music. Once i went to a live concert of Jon Anderson ( without Yes ) here in Mexico City in the 90´s years, he was a partner of Alan White in that band. We will remember him always.
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I played drums for 6 years now, but stopped a few months ago because I had to make space for fish. I’ve played the piano for 2 years, self taught, and I’m still learning. I know a couple beginner songs (Canon, Canon in D, Don’t stop Believing, and Bohemian Rhapsody) but I mostly make my own music, just testing keys out together. It’s really fun. I’ve made a version kind of like moonlight sonata but in a different octave and with more action.

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