Big River South

Looking really cool :) 2 things I'd think about - first can you turn the big bit of wood a bit so the branch pointing towards the back points up, it looks like it would break the surface which would look good. Second can you make all the rocks so the lines in them point in the same direction, it looks like most of them go horizontal but just a few that go diagonal or vertical that stand out. If you put them all in the same direction you get the effect that its a real river and the grooves and lines have been formed by years of water rushing in the same direction.

I did have the wood more up like that but the other end then twists up off the other rock in the middle which doesnt quite look right

Good idea with the rock. I raised the left hand side of the tank up so it looked like a stream flowing down hill. Think that will help set the flow better.

Thanks will
Little update....

Still playing with scape with a few bits to add here and there. First lot of plants went in tonight, need more swords for around the rock features and i want to double up on the crypts and trident fern.


Heating isnt sorted yet but i have 2x 300w E series fluval heaters on the way :)

Im just in two minds about the flow. With it being such a big tank im not sure if i need a powerhead to help circulation.
You may be able to stick a powerhead down in the back right hand corner, so it’s covered by that driftwood. :fish:
What filter will you be using? Was this the one you were weighing up an fx6 or a sump?
What filter will you be using? Was this the one you were weighing up an fx6 or a sump?
Yeah, in the end it was between the fx6 and the Aqueal ultramax.

Went for the ultramax because its Quieter and easier to maintain than the fx6. Nice bit of kit.

Barbs moved in Sunday just gone along with my established cainster from the Roma and thankfully all water levels have stayed stable.

The barbs look stunning and really pop with the black background. I was worried they would look lost in such a big tank but the space just allows you to see all the fish on show.

Still need to add some more plants but im waiting until i know what fish im adding next. Ive done 4 tanks with smaller fish so id like some bigger fish this time around.

Im toing and froing with certain Cichlids atm but its hard to choose between so many beautiful species
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Barbs moved in Sunday just gone along with my established cainster from the Roma and thankfully all water levels have stayed stable.

The barbs look stunning and really pop with the black background. I was worried they would look lost in such a big tank but the space just allows you to see all the fish on show.

Still need to add some more plants but im waiting until i know what fish im adding next. Ive done 4 tanks with smaller fish so id like some bigger fish this time around.

Im toing and froing with certain Cichlids atm but its hard to choose between so many beautiful species
You don't mess about!!

Ooh, what about some sharks? :hey:

Silver (Balantiocheilos melanopterus)
or Apollo (Luciosoma spilopleura)
or Violet blush (Labeo boga)
or Harlequin (Labeo cyclorhynchus)
You don't mess about!!

Ooh, what about some sharks? :hey:

Silver (Balantiocheilos melanopterus)
or Apollo (Luciosoma spilopleura)
or Violet blush (Labeo boga)
or Harlequin (Labeo cyclorhynchus)
Haha... once i sorted the heating out for the Rio i pretty much made my mind up closing the 200 down and moving everything over.

Wow i like the Harlequin's, they are pretty cool. Id love some Bala's but i dont think i would put them in anything smaller than an 8 footer. same with the Violets really.
I like the Redfin flagtails and Rainbows:)
Looks absolutely incredible! So lucky to get the Bocourti by accident I still cant believed they were in a 'mixed' cichlid tank haha. BTW Cichlasoma is an out of date name for them ;) its either Cincelicthys or Theraps - good sources for both but not sure which is most up to date. Theraps seems like an odd place for them and Cincelicthys seems more likely as it would share the family with an other giant Pearsei.
Looks absolutely incredible! So lucky to get the Bocourti by accident I still cant believed they were in a 'mixed' cichlid tank haha. BTW Cichlasoma is an out of date name for them ;) its either Cincelicthys or Theraps - good sources for both but not sure which is most up to date. Theraps seems like an odd place for them and Cincelicthys seems more likely as it would share the family with an other giant Pearsei.
Thanks Wills

Yeah i did notice they was called a fair few things. Neetroplus bocourti was another with common names
Chisel-Tooth Cichlid and Golden Mojarra.

Cant wait for them to really start colouring up. The Ellioti's are showing some nice red tones now underneath.

Really noticed lately how big my Hoplo's are now. Going through pictures of when they arrived they looked so small.


Really beefed up now and are really cool catfish what are fun to watch :)

Cichlids have all settled in great. The 2 new Rainbows are still a little shy but are now coming out more.
I think my biggest Theraps bocourti is going to be a monster. I can already see he has grown in the short time ive had him. Tank harmory is all good tho with no fighting or aggressive behaviour.

On patrol
big boy bocourti

Changed scape a few weeks ago mainly due to me wanting more plants in the background. New piece of driftwood (not quiet full sunk yet) some Limnophila sessiliflora and Crypt wendtii's been added. vallisneria doing good so ill be adding more of that in the coming weeks. Want more trident fern also for between rocks.

Ordered some more dragon rock to fill some gaps in side and central features then it will just be a case if tweaking a few things.

Fish wise they all seem to be doing great other than me sadly losing a whiptail :sad: Barbs nice and healthy, Cichlids and Hoplo's growing quickly and my Ellioti pair have just layed some eggs and are working nicely together guarding. (Not that im expecting fry to survive)

Ill pop some better pic's on when i can. Impossible today with so much glare from the sunshine B-)


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