Need help with one sick fish. Pics attached


New Member
May 9, 2021
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I noticed a short time ago that my male guppy looked like he had scraped the scales from the top of his back. It looks worse today. There is nothing sharp in the aquarium and he is the only one that seems to have a problem. I am attaching pics in the hope that someone can tell me what is wrong and what I can do to help him?

thank you in advance for any suggestions you might offer.
I can't tell from the pictures. Can you post some more where the whole fish is in focus?
And maybe post a video of them, it might pick up the fish better than the still images. You can upload the video to YouTube then copy & paste the link here.
I can't tell from the pictures. Can you post some more where the whole fish is in focus?
And maybe post a video of them, it might pick up the fish better than the still images. You can upload the video to YouTube then copy & paste the link here.
I will try to do that tomorrow. I have a quarantine tank but It has two fish in it that I purchased a few days ago to add to my 40G. Too early to move them into the community so I had to put him in a large round glass canister. Of course the roundness contorts the view.
I can't tell from the pictures. Can you post some more where the whole fish is in focus?
And maybe post a video of them, it might pick up the fish better than the still images. You can upload the video to YouTube then copy & paste the link here.
Colin T. and emeraldking. Thank you for trying to help. I tried to get more pictures but in the round container they are not good enough to see anything. On my end his missing scales are very clear. Not sure why it isn't on your side but two people have said the same thing. He is missing all scales from his nose to his fin. This is all on the top portion of his body. It looks like raw uncooked fish filet. He seems happy, eats and swims around. He is a bit aggressive to the other fish in the tank, chasing them. Not trying to mate but just chasing them away. I am hoping the scales with grow back. He is the only guppy in the tank which has rasboras, mollies, and rummy nose tetras, 3 nerite snails, one chinese algae eater and one hillstream loach that I think is really a pleco. Tank is 40 gal breeder.
I can't tell from the pictures. Can you post some more where the whole fish is in focus?
And maybe post a video of them, it might pick up the fish better than the still images. You can upload the video to YouTube then copy & paste the link here.
Since I can't get anything viewable from the small quarantine container I tried adjusting the existing photos to see it it would help on your side.


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