New clownfish!


Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Thought it was time to get some good pictures of my new DaVinci Clownfish! (Or as good as they get - clownfish are probably the hardest fish I have ever photographed)
P1090307 (2).JPG
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P1090360 (2).JPG


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Hey, good for you.
Haven't been on for a while, I see you're all salty now!
(Not sure 29g is "nano," though. Don't be shy ?)
Eh... the term “nano” has been stretched to different volumes over the years. It was originally any tank 10 gallons or under, but now, it’s any tank under 30 gallons. Not really sure...?

When is the shark going in?
Right after the whale shark. Oops, will I notice any aggression? Or should they be ok? I read on Facebook that it should be good, I was just double checking...

Give it time... It's hard to find a big one out of the blue like that!
Nah, you just chuck some chum in the water, and they’ll come running. (More like swimming ;))
nano tanks are like all fish related tales. I went fishing and caught a fish "this ___ big". The next time I tell the story I caught the fish and it was " this ___________ big ". And so on.

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