My betta journal!


Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2021
Reaction score
Illinois, United States
A journal of all my current betta fish, I have so many 5 gallons spread around my house and a 10 gal split. I'm thinking of doing a split 55 to consolidate haha

4 veiltails, 3 female and a male
2 delta tail, both males
1 crown tail male

My mom has a really pretty opal double tail that i keep trying to get her to give me! i have yet to find any plakats near me and her double tail is the only one ive found, im thinking once i have a cycled 55 that i split up- maybe i can find some online. Right now im waiting for a new stand so all the 10s and 5s can be on the same wall instead of spread around the house ?
The java ferns I ordered were really poor so I sent them back but these plants were good so I have them in, waiting for new java to ship. I'm looking into frogbit but itll be a bit before I can order some. None of the lfs sell live plants except those tube plants and I haven't been able to keep those alive ?
Hello :)
Sorry but to me, 7th pic Betta's fins are in bad state.
Sorry again, moreover, your aquariums are are singularly lacking in vegetation including floating plants Bettas love.
Hello :)
Sorry but to me, 7th pic Betta's fins are in bad state.
Sorry again, moreover, your aquariums are are singularly lacking in vegetation including floating plants Bettas love.
Yeah he was my first betta (hes 4 this year) I made some mistakes early on. First being that I kept him in a small cube and then a year ago he got stuck on an intake and it shredded his fins and he developed an infection because i wasn't experienced enough to maintain a filter less setup. His fins never grew back the way they were but hes healthy and happily spending the last of his days sleeping on his amazon sword. I have tried to make up for what I lacked early on and I have learned from my mistakes and haven't had any issues with human error since then
We all made mistakes by trusting LPS sellers !
4 years old is nice ? Got mine 7 years he was from... elsewhere ?
Hopefully I'll have the plants soon, I just have to buy bit by bit and budget with it all, I'm supposed to have two more plants today and order floating ones in a couple weeks. This forum has helped me see that my lfs definitely doesnt have any interest except their own profit. I'm happy to keep learning and get my tanks in better conditions, thanks to all the great helpful members here

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