My Journal Tagebuch Marz 21'

10 April 2021

Water Change on my Shrimp tank and of Course The Red Baron.
Just running this one with sponge filter but I notice the sponge filter actually collecting more dirts compared to my C4 fluval filter in me main tank .

This is pretty obvious when I start swirling the sponge in the siphone tank water . Well maybe my activated carbon in Fluval takes absords more ... yeah maybe.....
Reminds me of the crawfish I caught in the creek the other day!
13th 2021 Water Change 50%
Just aint my day ... lost 2 Panda Mollies
1 with Itch and the other with Dropsy .... I guess I am slow to reach this cant really rescue em both .
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15th April Another fasting day for my community tank well since I am pretty tied up for the whole of the day ...

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WC 17th April 4 buckets of water change

Hope to dilute the ammonia greatly and provide new fresh water with oxygens to the tank .

Hand fill the water , just love to see those bubbles gushing out from below when pouring the water .. it always gives me sense of satisfaction to me
19th April 2021 Shrimp tank Water Change 30% with Fish Tank Sponge Filters cleaning using the Shrimp Tank Water

Screenshot 2021-04-20 06.22.43.png
Screenshot 2021-04-22 06.22.12.png

21st April 21'

50% water change for main community tank - lost one dwarft Gourami might think because of age since its already 4 years plus with me .
Shrimp tank's filter cleaning with the main's tank water.
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23rd April 21'

Didnt realized it at first till I am already vacuuming my gravel while doing water change ..
Seems that my CPO already Molted ,, Still in his cave and I just let it be.

See bits an pieces of its claw from its old shed ..
24th April

Fasting day for the fishes for this week .... Emm I think I might get them to fast more frequent than the occasional once a week moving forward .

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26th April 70% Water Change since my Dwarft Gourami starts acting weird ....

Equip the main tank with additional sponge filter around the planted area.
Total filter now :-
1 Canister
1 HOB Fluval C4
2 Sponge Filter with modified air stones

Aeration :
Air Curtain bubbles
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27th April 90% WC for Shrimp and CrawDaddy Tanks since feeding em with small fishes . 2 Fishes to be exact .

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