Aquarium Co-ops Great worst idea?


Fish Herder
Dec 10, 2018
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I saw this and thought- those expensive fish are soon going to be Egret/Stork/Racoon/Otter/Birds of And I'm sure some stalker is planning a late night raid seeing hundred dollars bills everywhere in that pond.
It also is one way to turn a large pond that has clear water into a turbid pond with those aquatic plants devoured soon.
I have been through all that. Even a 100,000 gallon pond with security guards caught a few people trying to fish large Koi out of a Museums pond where I worked.
If it works out? Fantastic. But every other natural pond like that on youtube had either given up because of Cormorants or in the end to keep fish- covered the whole pond in netting,poles,criss crossed. And those wont stop Racoons.
But forget all that and notice that day one looks great.
i hope it works...
not the best idea...
If he got himself some guard dogs he would be all set, not have to worry about any of those things;)
Not if the dog is trained:rolleyes:;)
I just feel sorry for those fish. I THINK its near impossible to keep them so open to predators and not see them killed. Some of those fish look to be many years old.
I had my own nice fish wiped out by Egrets and then at night Raccoons. I stopped keeping pond fish because I didn't want to cover it with both a screen and a fence. Not my idea of a restful scene.
Heck,I wouldn't put it past local goons to have taken fish when I was at work also.
We are building a koi pond, our koi are small, between 4 and 8 inches only. We are Building it tucked back beside the house, in this little brick corner, with a Fence around the other side and we have 3 large outdoor dogs, so we won’t have to worry about raccoons, and my mom planted 3 trees around the edge to give it some form of shelter from anything above, and it will have lots of plants in it. Now I am scared though:blush:

(Also, the dogs can’t get to the fish. Even if they could, they wouldn’t touch them I don’t think. When we had ducklings, the dogs would lay down in the yard and let the ducking sit on them and peck little bugs out of their fur. I understand that a duck is not the same as a fish, I just mean the dogs have never showed much “prey drive”)
I kept pond fish in the yard for many years. Then,they knocked down old cottages that were neighbors- leaving a large empty field and also across the street from the open hills and parklands. I wasn't protected any longer and for the first time ever in living decades here,I saw animals like Raccoons and Possums, Egret's were a new one too.
If you are in any average neighborhood- you are much more protected. Heck,I never had gophers they have killed some of my hard to get yard plants since then too.
So,when I see the Co-op's pond? It can seem safe for awhile. But once it gets made by all sorts of animals? (people) Koi are easy pickings.
Koi ponds need to be very deep so the fish can dive/hide from predators. Even still, many Koi keepers experience losses now and then due to birds. In areas with a high amount of predatory birds, Koi ponds aren't generally sustainable without netting. It may take many months for birds or other predators to spot your new pond, but once they do... Expect a clean out rather quickly as they'll return and bring friends oftentimes. I have a small outdoor pool with fancy goldfish. Without netting, an owl comes and eats them at night. It is likely that he will lose many many fish here if he isn't able to secure it better than this.
Co-op might get some luck. I saw a vid of almost the same situation with a earth pond that had Koi and Goldfish,but the water was much more murky. It could have been deeper with a drop off,making it a bit harder to wade. Still,I followed some earth pond guys and Koi..and most failed without netting. Or,a case of one huge Koi in the local city pond ...but nothing in numbers.

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