Fish Gatherer
Right now my 54L tank for guppies (and hopefully otocinclus by Autumn) has amazon frogbit, some elodea densa and java moss (which isn't growing all too well so far but we'll see). I'm hoping to get some more plants in, since the main idea was to have it be a planted tank.
Any suggestions? It's not got much hardscaping aside from a few large lumps of slate/rock, so it's a completely free space.
I'd like some larger plants that make it look sort of like a rainforest or something, if that's anything to go by.
My current ideas were maybe some anubias or something else with big, exotic looking leaves to fill out space in the tank. I'd also really like a carpeted tank "floor".
Here's a photo of the tank in all its cruddy glory. Sorry about the bad angle + lighting!
Any suggestions? It's not got much hardscaping aside from a few large lumps of slate/rock, so it's a completely free space.
I'd like some larger plants that make it look sort of like a rainforest or something, if that's anything to go by.
My current ideas were maybe some anubias or something else with big, exotic looking leaves to fill out space in the tank. I'd also really like a carpeted tank "floor".
Here's a photo of the tank in all its cruddy glory. Sorry about the bad angle + lighting!