90 Gallon Unheated Tank


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
To chronicle the journey of my 90 gallon tank. I got it cheap because the inside was pretty scratched up. The tag on the bottom says the tank was assembled in 1993, so the tank is older than I am.

I can't believe I managed to move this monster all by myself! That is what I get for letting anxiety rule my life (makes me feel bad when I have to ask for help...).


I got it with sand and water. 60 lbs of petco black sand, and a couple of agates and rocks my mom gave me. She is a rockhound, always finding cool stuff. The filter is a Tidal 75. I have had it running side by side on another tank for several months, so it is cycled and ready to go!

Once the temp is stabilized for room temperature, I will be adding my White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Petco gets their Gold Dojo Loaches in on Thursday, so I will pick them up next week.
That's a nice looking tank pal
Thanks! When you get close, you can see the scratches, most of them horizontalbut a few vertical. Maybe the tank was used for turtles before?

The stand I got instore, it was about $150 (about $75 discount), but that was because it came with no hardware. Had to contact the company and they sent the hardware free of charge. I am also VERY bad at putting on doors. It came with them, I just couldn't line them up for my life.
That’s a monster! :flex:

I see you didn’t have to use the kitchen table... drafts. :grr:
That’s a monster! :flex:

I see you didn’t have to use the kitchen table... drafts. :grr:
Yeah, I have had this stand and tank sitting around and taking up space for a few months. Acrually was taking up almost 1/5 of my small living room,, and keeping me from getting into my desk.
Wanted to get the 80 settled before I started it. I will be turing an end table into a tank stand for my 35 (? haven't measured it yet) gallon hex tank I picked up today.
Yeah, I have had this stand and tank sitting around and taking up space for a few months. Acrually was taking up almost 1/5 of my small living room,, and keeping me from getting into my desk.
Wanted to get the 80 settled before I started it. I will be turing an end table into a tank stand for my 35 (? haven't measured it yet) gallon hex tank I picked up today.
Wait, so you got the 90g and you’re getting the hex also?
Is there a Ms. Circus that is ok with all this...? ?
Lol, I am Ms. Circus. I live alone in a tiny apartment (ground floor) that has a semi-reasonable rent of $700 a month, but I don't have to pay water/electric/sewer since I am wired into the laundry room (which doesn't work) next door. So a good deal, even if my neighbors are the worst people ever.
Picked up my stock today. Have been feeding the tank with ammonia up until now. It will be an in-tank QT, so all of my stock is being added at the same time, with the exception of a few minnow I picked up 2 weeks ago. I also have a bunch of plants I either got today, or robbed from other tanks. For sure not DONE yet, but getting closer.
I am waiting on some pennywort, which will be going in the left corner and side. I hope the water sprite on the right side grows in quickly.

I have my 2 red cap oranda goldfish, three dojo loaches, and 13 WCMM. I wanted golden or albino loaches, but nobody in a 75 mile radius of me has any. Very frustrating. My LFS does have some golden-ish, kinda bronze dojo, though, so I picked them up.

I really donwish I could add my Pepper Corydoras, but loaches and cories aren't a good idea.


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So, I got more plants in the mail today. After losing one of the goldfish, I will pick up two more from the shop some time this week. Here is an updated tak pic.

It isn't pretty, and I will likely rearrange everything a couple of times. I am not sure how my pennywort will grow in, or the water sprite. I also have some corkscrew val, and moved most of my marimo balls.

You might be able to spot one of the plastic pipes I got for the loaches. They, of course, don't actually use them.
Wow, big tank.
Btw, be careful not to injure yourself when you move the tank by yourself especially your back.

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