Trigger Pics


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
My baby "Kihei". :D :wub: He's finally overcome his fear of my camera so I just HAD to post more pics of him!


  • Trigger1_copy.jpg
    11.6 KB · Views: 41
Wow I can't belive I'm the first person to post how great that fish looks :hyper: If you could get a couple better close up shots that fish deserves to be nominated for FOTM!
BEAUTIFUL fish. I'm in love. :wub: :wub: I actually will nominate him for FOTM, and if you get any other pics, feel free to pick one of those to use instead. :thumbs:
What kind of fish is that? It's awesome!

Edit* nevermind, I see it's a Piasco trigger. How much was it and how big will it get?
GodricPuffer said:
What kind of fish is that? It's awesome!

Edit* nevermind, I see it's a Piasco trigger. How much was it and how big will it get?

Nice trigger ;)

just some quick info,

Triggerfish are tough and sleek, favoring shallow waters of the reef. Their tough skin and fused teeth make them capable of successfully attacking spiny sea urchins to get to the soft flesh. They also eat crabs, mollusks, worms, other fish, algae and are even known to nip at the tips of hard corals. This species only grows to about nine to ten inches (about 25 cm) but some others, such as the Titan triggerfish, may grow to 30 inches (75 cm). They are found in many areas of the Pacific from Hawaii to the Maldives, and even the southeast and east central Atlantic and the Red Sea.
spanair said:
GodricPuffer said:
What kind of fish is that? It's awesome!

Edit* nevermind, I see it's a Piasco trigger.  How much was it and how big will it get?

Nice trigger ;)

just some quick info,

Triggerfish are tough and sleek, favoring shallow waters of the reef. Their tough skin and fused teeth make them capable of successfully attacking spiny sea urchins to get to the soft flesh. They also eat crabs, mollusks, worms, other fish, algae and are even known to nip at the tips of hard corals. This species only grows to about nine to ten inches (about 25 cm) but some others, such as the Titan triggerfish, may grow to 30 inches (75 cm). They are found in many areas of the Pacific from Hawaii to the Maldives, and even the southeast and east central Atlantic and the Red Sea.
yeah... my fired has a 3'' one, very nice, likes the LR
Triggers are fascinatng fish.. they can swim backwards almost as fast as they can forwards. Very powerful jaws (watch your fingers) and most aver very VERY aggressive . (Undulates are Sycho! :crazy: )

Picassos, whilst not the very most aggressive of trigers, they are still dangerous around other fish that cannot take care of themsleves and they will make short owrk of any invert you place in that tank :/

Beautiful fish though :wub:
What a great fish :D

Although the 3rd picture did put a smile on my face - he looks like one fin is bigger than the other - just reminded me of finding nemo lol
I can attest to first hand experience of the aggression of trigger fish. I've seen them while scuba diving, and watching one nesting in the sand, being the idiot I am, I didn't know what it was doing so went up for a closer look, and BAM it came at me like a loon, and bit me hard on the arm!!! Drew blood as well!! It was a lot bigger than the one you've got, and not as colourful. Probably about 1ft long and quite brown, so I dunno what type it was, but I know it hurt!!
For that reason though, I have quite a liking to trigger fish (bizarrely!), and that one is especially nice. Great fish!

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