Cool Wild Plant


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
I've found some sort of pearlweed like plant in the wild, it is currently in a jar with some other hydroponics stuff, and want to put it in fish tank... it grows very fast and is very hardy, and personally i love it..

from a river above a waterfall, pretty clean, all there is is some salamanders, frogs, fish, snails, bees. in that area that i got it it was like a hill stream, and there were only frogs
Ooooo sounds very nice! Got photos by any chance?
will get it, i got these little fish bowls from the dollar store, and they look pretty cool, ill give u photo when i add it in.

it has thin leaves that are far apart, generally bushy together with thin healthyu white roots..
pictures of the plant and wild habitat or it didn't happen :)

Where there any fish there?
pictures of the plant and wild habitat or it didn't happen :)

Where there any fish there?
no fish, here is the habitat. once the water in the vase clears up ill snap the plant
heere ya go!!
(no, theres no fish in here, im not crazy)
That's a lovely picture. All the farmer needs to do is plant more trees on the property.

Is there anything in the water at the bottom of the water fall?
That's a lovely picture. All the farmer needs to do is plant more trees on the property.

Is there anything in the water at the bottom of the water fall?
no plants under, i got it from the stream on top.
yeah i dont know why the cow farmers dont plant more trees, the cows like them, the tourists do too.
i wouldnt think there is anything, perhaps a few salamanders? its a little pool

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