My Journal Tagebuch Marz 21'

Today wanna hunt for more Shrimps see what's available in the nearby store ...
Wish me luck.


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Its been a very busy week, didnt have much time to write here though. Yeah and its been a few mishaps strewn within.
Got the lava rock at least.
Still got a lot to do, am in the stage of cleaning it all up with hot boil water. Gonna let is sit on hot boiled water for some time. Right after ... will need time for these rocks to be dried.
Guess the introduction to of the second filter way bit too late for my 120G ,,, from the time I am preparing the lava rocks soaked washed and dried ...

I have already lost one juvenile stripes Tiger Barb


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Today will be cleaning day .. and water change time.
The water is still clear but its already been 3 full weeks weeks without WC .

Plus need to move my baby Crayfish to my main tank .. Creating more hiding places for Mr Craw
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its no deeding day today.
No feeding and lights out for a day in a week.

All my tanks send back to medEvil age

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19th cleaned up Canister Filter , the tubing is really clogged up with brown diathoms and the water flow is just getting slower ...
Duration of workings 4 weeks

Time to replave the carbon filter as well ... and adding in new bio home and lava rocks for layers of filter basket .
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More mishaps for the week , my Craw Daddy manage to escape in or of the holes from my fences , had to change to a new fencing systems system for my smaller tanks ...

As a prize for successfully escape Crawdaddy manage to get hold on two of my Swordtail for meals . I think he got it while the swordtail was sleeping or resting towards the bottom of the substrates last night .

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Thinking to get one of these for my water change ... no more back breaking carrying buckets of water to the tank. Just wondering what kinda of tubing will fit it since ... its a pond pump .

90% water change for Shrimp tank again. 2nd April 2021
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5th April 2021
70% water change to Shrimp Tank been feeding like crazy and the bioload also increases since Shrimp breedings

2021-04-07 17_43_39-(2) Catch and Cook and Camp Ep. 4 _WILD Trout, WILD Bass, WILD Crayfish_ -...png

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