What are some colorful fish?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2021
Reaction score
Southern Maryland
So we went and ended up buying a 60g tank recently. We're going to stock it with our current tank (5 GlassFish, 2 platys, and 3 zebra loaches) and add another platy and 2 more zebra loaches once it's cycled.

I'm looking for suggestions of brightly colored fish to add to it. I love looking at pretty fish and would love a pop of color in our tank. I was thinking a pair of dwarf gouramis and something else. Ideas?
Odessa barbs ??

It seems to me you need a centre piece for the tank and me being me I’d say electric blue acara all day lol
It seems to me you need a centre piece for the tank and me being me I’d say electric blue acara all day lol
I was thinking about that, but will it be aggressive to my other fish? It seems like I've got a very peaceful arrangement right now and I don't want aggression causing stress
What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply?
This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).
Tank dimensions are 48L x 12D x 24H.

Ph works out to a stable 8. I know the water hardness is 12 but not sure what the unit of measurement is.

We haven't started cycling it yet so it'll be a little while before we add fish.
I was thinking about that, but will it be aggressive to my other fish? It seems like I've got a very peaceful arrangement right now and I don't want aggression causing stress
Gourami could easily be as aggressive as eba , iv found with cichlids they like to be aggressive to other cichlids, I think a solo cichlid in a tank wouldn’t have any need to display aggression , it knows it rules the roost lol

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