Profile Pic Fish ID


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 26, 2020
Reaction score
Spica via Regulus
Active Mods- @Essjay @Wills @Fishmanic
Maybe not the place for this thread? Maybe edit and move to general chat?

So I've been noticing all the gorgeous images of different fish our forum members are using in their profile pics.

Anyone care to share their fish, why they chose it, and maybe another image of them in their tanks? If you no longer have the fish you can still share their story ☆

Just an idea.
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Mine is my male Purple Dragon Ribbon Fin guppy who I got as a little guppy fry off ebay in a pack of 6 fry from my parents for my birthday. He unfortunately disappeared the day after I took the photo, I think he died and the other fish ate his body :crazy:
Lol, my smelly goblin Zelda is a fish killer. Dropped into my 350 gallon Rubbermaid tub and sliced a goldfish open while getting back out. She is smelly because she smells everything! Have to lover her though she is 5 whole pounds of trouble, since we got her she has been know as Big Trouble in Little Kitten-though at 2 years she isn't really a kitten anymore-but still big trouble!
Mine is a baby electric blue acara I call it Kong , iv had its mom and dad a while and raised a few of there fry myself over Xmas as a project I didn’t plan on keeping any but this one was always such a specimen Iv got to see what it looks like mature
its mom is a nice blue but it has a real greeny quality to its blue and wonder weather it will continue
Mine is part of a 250 liter tank, that I had set up for over 10 years. The photo was taken just before I had to take it down. The 2 Discus, Butterfly fish and ghost knife fish are not visible in the photo.

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