Plants that are Clown Loach proof


New Member
Jul 3, 2020
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United Kingdom
I made a rookie mistake you could say and added Clown loaches to my planted tank months back. Noticed a good portion of my plants are having holes in them and at a rapid rate with no yellow or brown tints to them so I am certain it's not a nutrition deficiency and rather my loaches eating at them.

I was wondering if people have had the same problem and do you recommend any specific plants which are hardier and not likely to be eaten. Java Fern would be one good option from my understanding. I'm looking for some root feeding plants.
What other fish do you have in the tank?
My 170L that used to have a clown loach has elodea densa and... something else and never fell victim to fish munchies. However, I've noticed that elodea densa has a tendency to get overgrown without frequent trimming, and branches tend to snap off and float away at times, so it does require a fair amount of attention.
Best of luck and keep us updated. Would love to see your planted tank and loaches!
Clown Loaches are like living paper for your binder. They do that to my great Sword plant that..has the mark of the Clown on various leaves.
Other plants they dont touch..Crypts,Bolbitis,Jave fern,Alternanthera ( great! I get red plants) and Rotala rotundifolia that is probably the finest leafed plant I can keep with them and Rainbow fish.
The Rotala as delicate as it looks? Even Goldfish hate to eat extras I put lasts.
Will you please upload photos of the plants? It may be nutrient deficiencies. (Loaches are known to eat plants, as they do it in the wild. There would be no way to completely prevent it)
What other fish do you have in the tank?
My 170L that used to have a clown loach has elodea densa and... something else and never fell victim to fish munchies. However, I've noticed that elodea densa has a tendency to get overgrown without frequent trimming, and branches tend to snap off and float away at times, so it does require a fair amount of attention.
Best of luck and keep us updated. Would love to see your planted tank and loaches!
Sorry for the late reply. Here's some pictures.


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Will you please upload photos of the plants? It may be nutrient deficiencies. (Loaches are known to eat plants, as they do it in the wild. There would be no way to completely prevent it)
That plant above was/is brand new I'm talking days. I dose the tank with fertiliser and use nutrition tabs.
The last photo is classic clown. Nothing you can do other than maybe plant more of them actually as the damage is spread around to that one type of plant. Or,remove that plant.
I myself am putting up with the hole in the sword plant look. The plant is still thriving and it's part of the Wabi Sabi, right Kemosabe? aquarium keeping philosophy.
The last photo is classic clown. Nothing you can do other than maybe plant more of them actually as the damage is spread around to that one type of plant. Or,remove that plant.
I myself am putting up with the hole in the sword plant look. The plant is still thriving and it's part of the Wabi Sabi, right Kemosabe? aquarium keeping philosophy.
I agree, it's partially my fault for adding such a plant that will get demolished by the clown lol. Recently planted some cryps so they should be untouched.
I love clown loaches. I have four and could go four more easy. The first month is touchy with them,after that they might have a 15th birthday party with you one day.
They combine elegant looking fish with active and hardy and personable. What more could you ask?

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