I have my prize!


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States

My LFS finally had farowellas in stock again after I saw the one over a month ago. I picked up two.

I also got 18 silver hatchets. Though sadly it's already 17 as one was in death throws when it went in the tank and passed about an hour later. Though the guy who bagged them for me already noticed one was looking a little off (I bought the whole school of the store tank) so he only charged me for 16 of the hatchets just in case, so at least I don't have to run back for a refund later. Will keep a close eye on the rest.

In an ironic, cruel twist of fate though, they finally had the panda cories I wanted in, like 30-40 of them. Far too late now since I have 8 delphax already and just today added 5 atropersonatus (fairy cories) out of QT. Oh well...
Apparently Farlos really, really, REALLY love brown algae. You know those pics from a few days ago where the tank was practically covered in brown?

This is what it looks like now.

Almost completely clean. But I hope they'll transfer to algae wafers and cucumber once it's all gone (I've read they're vegetarian and will eat that stuff so we'll see) because, due to the hatchets bunking with them being infested with ich, it's going to be a long while before they make it to the main tank. This much is for sure though, between them and the mystery snails I will never have brown algae issues on my live plants. Like dear lord I've never seen a fish destroy an algae problem like these two.

If you have a sizable tank, need a surefire brown algae solution and can find some to buy, highly recommend these guys.
Really nice fish :) Farlowellas are a bit tricky to keep you need to keep that algae farm super productive because they can often starve when added to tanks while they adjust to flake, pellets, vegies etc. Maybe just clean off the front glass for now and let the rest grow out for them to eat.

Really nice fish :) Farlowellas are a bit tricky to keep you need to keep that algae farm super productive because they can often starve when added to tanks while they adjust to flake, pellets, vegies etc. Maybe just clean off the front glass for now and let the rest grow out for them to eat.

I've not touched any of the algae period (it's a quarantine tank after all, not meant to look pretty), but the problem is there's no way the growth will be able to keep up with their appetites. And because of the ich problem, I can't transfer them to the main tank where food is more plentiful for the next few weeks as that's too great of a risk to the residing population. I'm going to try slices of cucumber and bits of algae wafer once their supply is gone and pray they take to them.
I've not touched any of the algae period (it's a quarantine tank after all, not meant to look pretty), but the problem is there's no way the growth will be able to keep up with their appetites. And because of the ich problem, I can't transfer them to the main tank where food is more plentiful for the next few weeks as that's too great of a risk to the residing population. I'm going to try slices of cucumber and bits of algae wafer once their supply is gone and pray they take to them.
I've heard of people placing stones in a container of water in a windowsil to grow algae for otocinclus, don't see why the same couldn't be done for farlowellas
Also, seeing those photos of the hatchetfish has made me seriously think about having some in the future, for the first time. Very cool looking! Would be fun to watch those in a tank.
Hmm. Could be worth a shot.
Definitely worth a shot! Especially if they're like otos in sometimes being slow to accept wafers etc. I hear they're even more delicate than otos that way. Hopefully would buy you some time while you keep trying commercial foods.

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