Vote Now - March 2021 Pet of the Month Contest

Vote Now! - March 2021 Pet of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have 9 awesome pets entered into March 2021 Pet of the Month Contest. View all the pets and descriptions below and then go to top of page and click on your choice for POTM and then click the "cast" button.

Please DO NOT post any comments about any specific pet in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken.

Poll will close on March 31st at 4:51 PM EST (US).
Thread will periodically be cleaned up for readability.
We at thank you for your participation
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This is Danny (his brother is called DeVito, for the record), our family guinea pig. He turns two this month, and we've had the two of them since they were around a month and a half old. Danny has been blind for a year now due to an unknown cause, but he still manages to navigate the house with ease all on his own. Sometimes he needs DeVito to guide him along the way, but other than that he's very independent and smart!
Much like all other guinea pigs, Danny is lazy and has a one-track mind for eating. His favourite foods are green beans and pea flakes! Since we got them, we have managed to train him to stand, climb onto the sofa, climb the stairs and jump through hoops on command. He's very excitable and gets quite beside himself when his lunch time rolls around!

I would rate him 4 stars, very sweet but also quite spoiled and smelly at times.
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My Holland Lop bunny, Willow.

Willow is 4 months old. Her color is called Siamese Sable. She eats Timothy hay, rabbit pellets, and we are letting her have small amounts of fruits and veggies. We have had her since the day she was born. She is such a sweetheart! She loves affection and will even flop over on her back if she feels safe. She presses her little head under my hand when she wants affection, and if I drop some little pieces of hay on her head (when I get her fresh hay daily) she holds still and let’s me brush it off. She has never bit me before, i absolutely adore her. She does not know any tricks, but we are teaching her to pose, in the picture that is her posing. It is the position breeders have their Holland Lops in to show them at shows

Species: Sinaloan milk snake
Name: Lancelot
Precise age unknown, probably around 12 years old. I've been looking after him for 7.5 years.
Food: One frozen/thawed adult mouse every 10 days/2 weeks.
Background: He was found by my uncle in his backyard; he was kept in pretty bad conditions for the first few years of his life until I took him in. He lives in an 80x40x50cm glass terrarium with some wood, tree bark, sphagnum moss and ExoTerra snake bedding. He has a hot hide at one end where the temperature reaches 86F, while the coldest area of the enclosure is around 72 (a bit too cool, I know, but nothing I do seems to raise it, short of a complete refurbishment of the heating setup?). He's a sweetheart, no aggressive tendencies whatsoever, although he doesn't like to be touched when inside his enclosure ? He has recently developed some issues with coordination and balance, so a trip to the vet is definitely in store. He eats like a champ and although he has recently become something of a grumpy old man, I love him dearly ❤️ I've always loved snakes and he's my first reptile ever, but definitely not the last.
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This is Crunch. We believe he is about 10 months old, and somekind of MainCoon mix, as he is growing large quickly.

I rescued Crunch on Thanksgiving Day, 2020. Thursday, November 26 of 2020. He weighed about 5 lbs, which was under for what we thought was about 6 months old.

Crunch was one of the "dumpster cats" at my work, and was born feral on the property. One could often see them launching themselves out of the dumpster when the rear building door opened. The bosses at work were getting ready to cull the ferals living on the property (which abuts to some woods and hay fields), so I decided to step up. On Thanksgiving I obtained a live trap and baited it with ham slices. It was about three hours before he showed up. After a difficult battle (where he earned the name Crunch) I got him into a box and home, where he has lived since.

Nowadays he is very affectionate and follows me around the house, becoming jealous of my fish and any attention I pay my other rescue, Mocha. It took him more than a month for him to trust me enough to pet him.
He still doesn't really know how to meow to get my attention, like his housemate Mocha, but he has an adorable squeek. He also will not let me pick him up yet, but does come when I call his name.
I feed Crunch Hills Science Diet, and the occasional can of wet food.
He is very good about the litter box, and is coming around to having baths (mandatory every month). He is neutered (on day 7 after rescue), and has his first nail trimming appointment next week. I look forward to that, because he hasn't learned to be very gentle when wrestling!
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Rosco March 2021 POTM.jpg

Hi everyone this is Rosco.
He is a Bit Bull Mix. A year and a half ago, I found him abandoned on the side of the road as a puppy. Rosco was thin, covered in fleas, and had hookworms. Brought him home bathed him and took him to the vet the next day for his shots and de-wormer meds. He is a really good dog and very protective of me and his home. He lives with his sister Sadie, Bonnie the cat, and three aquariums. His worse habit is chewing, he chewed up my picnic table on one end and the bench on that end now lays on the ground. He loves his toys and treats. But hates dog biscuits, when I give him and Sadie dog biscuits he takes his drops it on the floor then walks away. I have spoiled him too much with his favorite treats, the stick ones with three different types of flavor, Chicken, Beef, and Pork. Rosco is crazy for that treat. I feel much safer living by myself with Rosco around.
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This is Tucker, me and my family’s one year old Maltipoo. My other Maltese, Lucy, was 17 when she died of old age, leaving my 10 year old dog Max alone. We adopted Tucker to keep him company. Tucker is a very active dog, he will stand on two legs and walk on two legs if he’s excited for something. He loves playing with toys, and when it’s time for bed I have to chase him around the house. He’s a bit of a weirdo, he’ll act all calm in the morning to get you to open his kennel, then he runs around non-stop.

His facial expressions look alarmed half the time when he tries to act “innocent” and calm, which I find funny (he’s not really scared). When he lays down he lays down with all his legs sprawled out, he doesn’t curl into a ball or rest his head on his paws, he lays like a pancake. He eats normal dog kibble, but in controlled proportions because our other dog, Max, is diabetic and we try to minimize the chance of another dog getting it.
And no, I promise he’s not scared of the paper.
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Let's play hide and seek! This is Napoleon, my gray tree frog. It's been probably three or four years since I found him as a baby on a milkweed plant in the backyard. He loves to be hand fed crickets and black soldier fly larva and to take long soaks in his water dish. He is blind in his left eye, making it a little difficult for him to find his food.
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This is Bellah. Shes 3m old and shes a French bulldog. She loves to nibble on the dinner table and play with her adoptive mommy (English bulldog)
Shes full of energy. But loves to eat,popp and sleep whe. She's tires herself out.
Shes a black brindle and eats grain free puppy food. Oh. She loves to beg when we are eating. She loves strawberries and apples. Hope you enjoy her pic
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This is Yoshi! He is my two month old winter white dwarf hamster! I adopted Yoshi a month ago. He’s a tiny little guy. He’s a bit skittish but I’m working with him to boost his confidence. He eats kaytee lab blocks, he likes digging through all of the blocks until he finds one he likes. The lab blocks are all the same though. Thanks for reading! Good luck everyone!!!
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End of Entries
Please scroll up slowly as you review the 9 awesome entries, and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of this thread. Thanks for participating in TFF Pet of the Month contest.
We have a winner! Circus has won Pet of the Month with her cute kitty named Crunch. If you'd like to congratulate Circus, head over to the POTM winner threads here:
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