ADF upside down and swollen leg


New Member
Mar 9, 2021
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Lancashire, UK
Hi, I got two new ADFs a few days ago. On day two I noticed that one was upside down on the bottom swimming in circles. I noticed he (assuming it's a he??) had a very swollen leg and figured he would struggle swimming up to the surface so put him in a floating breeding box near the top of the tank so he could at least get up for air! I'm hand feeding him bloodworms when I can, but he seems pretty reluctant, often spitting worms out after swallowing them. If I flip him over he'll stay the right way up and move around a little bit, but if he does flip over then he can't get back over without help.

I've attached pictures of the leg from various angles - any ideas on what this might be and if there's any treatment?

The other ADF is perfectly fine and water parameters are as expected.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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It's either physical damage to the hip or it has a bad infection. Either way it's bad and looks really painful.

About all I can suggest is keep the water clean and keep feeding it as much as it can eat to help build it up physically. If it is a broken or damaged hip, then it should heal by itself, assuming it doesn't get infected. However, if it gets infected or is infected, there probably isn't much hope for it.
Thanks, to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if it was a damaged/broken hip, the way the guy at the LFS was hammering his net around to catch the pair did have me concerned at the time...

He's starting to eat a bit more now so I'll keep going with that. Hopefully it isn't an infection/doesn't get infected and he pulls through ?

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