Farlowella Fry


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
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I have a well planted 75 gallon community tank with a mating pair of Farlowellas. Unfortunately the fry do not survive in the tank. So I set up a 20 gallon fry tank and am having difficulty capturing the fry. Here’s what I’m doing. When the eggs start to hatch, I cover them with a breeding box. But most of the fry get on the glass and under the rim of the box. Any ideas on how to encourage them to go into the box? I have 6 from my first attempt and 4 from the second Successfully transferred to the fry tank.

You need driftwood, algae and biofilm in the tank for the babies. When you get eggs, don't clean the glass and let it go all slimy.

Have some driftwood in the tank and let it get covered in algae and biofilm.

Have some leaves in the bottom of the tank and the babies will chew on them too.
Main tank. Eggs on glass just right of center. Yes there is a Blackbeard algae problem and a little green spot algae. I added an algae scrubber recently and plan on starting to do top offs with RO after my well pipes are fixed.
Fry tank. Not sure why the plants turned brown after transplanting from main tank. Will have to try again. I feed the biofilm in the tank. I’ve tried spinach, squash, and cucumber but have never noticed the fry interested.
My problem is getting the fry from the main tank to the fry tank.

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