Is my platy pregnant?! Or just fat


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
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Campbelltown Australia
I've had my two platys for about 1 month now and they both seem really fat/pregnant.

I'll attach photos of the fat little fishes.

Plus my guppy keeps nipping at their stomachs


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It sorta looks like a 'balloon' variety to me. The neck looks stunted like balloon types, not just gravid. @Colin_T or @emeraldking would be able to give a more positive ID though.

If you have males though, they're almost certainly gravid though, and often come from the store already gravid, since female livebearers can store sperm for months.
A bit hard to tell from such a distance wether these are normal shaped or ballon platies. If a close up could be made of them, would help a bit more.
Okay ill grab some more photos
I only have females but they did come from an over populated tank.

And both my platys keep hiding up in my floating water sprite.


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Looks gravid (pregnant).

They hide among the plants when they are stressed or going into labour. Do not disturb them or move them otherwise they can abort the babies and they die. Just leave the females in a well planted tank and scoop the babies out after they are born. Use a plastic container/ cup to scoop the babies up in some tank water and put them in a breeding net or rearing tank.

If you only have platies in the tank and you feed the adults well, they usually leave the babies alone and they can grow up with the mother.

The babies can be fed on finely crushed flake food and newly hatched brineshrimp. The following link has information on hatching brineshrimp eggs.
Don't mix baby fish with bigger fish because someone tries to eat them

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