ADA 60F low tech

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I started adding 1ml a day of Tropica Premium and combined with having a 33 watt light on for 10 hours a day - you guessed it algae. I've chopped the light down to the lowest setting - annoyingly it only has 7 settings so I dont know if this is down to 30% (10 watts) or if its 33 divided by 7 (4.5 watts). But either way I cleaned it out best I could and have it up and running. I can see some good growth in here but wish it would fill in a bit quicker! Some of the crypts have some leaves coming up now so hoping that they will get going now too.



You're not going to like this.

The reason why you are getting algae is because of excess nutrient dosing. Your tank is barely planted, so where do you think all that excess nutrient goes?

The most common reaction is to reduce light because it can reduce uptake of the algae also, and slow everything down, but the problem is really still there.

There is nothing wrong running 10 hours a day. I started with 9 hours a day, then 10, and now on 11. Soon it will be 12 hours a day light with ramping up and down done by a program. I'm doing this because I want to mimic what the plants and fish naturally experience in the wild. It won't be a set time, it will go on and off according to the sunrise and sunset times of a particular location, which varies according to what time of the year it is, as it should be.

My planted tank only just had a water change today, this after not having one for almost 10 weeks. I actually wanted to see if I could induce some algae in the tank two weeks ago by dosing excess traces. I was using, and will not do so anymore, Aqua Forest micro for the traces. This dosed at 2.5ml every TWO weeks. Much, much lower than their recommendations, and even then I was experiencing some algae issues. I decided to dose 5 ml instead of 2.5 ml, and within a few days some GSA on the S. Repens, green tuff algae on the Blyxa bush, and the leaves near the top surface etc. . . It was slowly getting back to normal now, and a water change and some removal has significantly stop the extra algal growth. This was just with 5ml on a 360 litre tank. I did not change anything else, I certainly did not reduce my lighting hours or intensity.

I have no idea of the composition of Tropica Premium but I'm willing to guess that it's got a lot of iron, and very little zinc. AIO ferts are terrible (unless of course you're paid to use and promote them). It shouldn't be the norm to have lights on such reduced hours, we should be giving the plants what they get in the wild.
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Added some Limnophila trimmings tonight - thought a fast growing stem might help the slower crypts and grasses fight off the algae.

I've stopped dosing ferts now as well I think the soil is more than enough. I agree I can run the lights longer I have done on bigger unplanted tanks in the past and no algae issues as long as I kept up with maintenance (water changes, filter cleans etc). I do think putting 33 watts into a shallow 30 litre tank was asking for trouble though I knew it would happen at some point. Since turning the lights down it does look like the algae is in retreat and I can see new growth on the crypts and the s.repens.


Still algae ridden but seeing some growth.

Think this idea has had it now going to be set up as a shell dweller tank some of the plants have worked but I don’t like the planted substrate in here it’s effecting the water too much and planted and scaped I don’t think it’s going to leave much space for fish and that’s what I want in this tank. Might continue this thread but might start a new journal?
Think this idea has had it now going to be set up as a shell dweller tank some of the plants have worked but I don’t like the planted substrate in here it’s effecting the water too much and planted and scaped I don’t think it’s going to leave much space for fish and that’s what I want in this tank. Might continue this thread but might start a new journal?
I think a new journal is in order...
Did you ever start a new journal? I would love to see this tank now!
Did you ever start a new journal? I would love to see this tank now!
No unfortunately this tank isnt set up any more. I was hoping to work at home a bit when things get back to normal but work has said everyone back in the office and without regular use the office doesnt get any visitors to enjoy it. I've found an other location I could set the tank up but I cant find a stand that would work and the ADA stands are super expensive.

I think the most likely route is that I will eventually get a larger tank in the new location as I've found an Aqua One tank that as a semi complete set up costs much less than an ADA stand, nearly half!


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